Blog Archive

Bothered by Sun-Damaged Skin? Consider Microneedling With PRP Oct 17th, 2024

Skin changes are a natural part of aging. Adding excessive sun exposure to the mix, however, is like pushing the gas pedal on the process. In fact, the sun may be to blame for 80% of visible skin aging, as well as other types of skin damage. If you’re annoyed...

Combining Botox and Dermal Fillers for a Subtle “Liquid Facelift” Sep 11th, 2024

If you long for a more youthful face without going through surgery, a liquid facelift may be your best bet. This less invasive treatment provides subtle and especially natural-looking results, making it ideal for people who wish to age gracefully.  At our offices in the Upper East Side of Manhattan,...

You Don’t Have to Live With Excessive Sweating: Find Out How Dysport® Treats Hyperhidrosis Aug 5th, 2024

Sweating plays an important role in your wellness, allowing you to cool down and maintain a normal body temperature. When you sweat excessively, a condition known as hyperhidrosis, you perspire well beyond your body’s needs — and it fuels a range of problems, such as anxiety, embarrassment, dehydration, and skin...

Deciding Whether a Facelift Is Right for You Jul 2nd, 2024

Along with liposuction, breast augmentation, and abdominoplasty, a facelift is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries. And while the procedure aimed at tightening skin and reversing signs of aging suits many people seeking a refreshed look, facelifts aren’t ideal for everyone. At our offices in the Upper East Side...

Why You Shouldn't Trust Just Anyone to Administer Your Cosmetic Injectables Jun 20th, 2024

If you long for a younger-looking appearance, cosmetic injectables have a lot to offer. They smooth wrinkles and fine lines, fill in shallows, and add desired plumpness without the need for anesthesia, incisions, or downtime.  Treatments like Botox® and dermal fillers top the cosmetic treatment charts in popularity, with millions...

Understanding Your Treatment Options for Actinic Keratosis May 17th, 2024

Actinic keratosis is a very common skin condition, affecting 10%-26% of people in the United States. While any diagnosis can seem daunting, this one could protect you from skin cancer.  The rough, scaly bumps or patches on the skin, also known as solar keratosis, stem from ultraviolet (UV) damage. And...

What Can I Do About a Torn Earlobe? Apr 2nd, 2024

As long as the injury has healed properly, a torn earlobe isn’t usually a medical problem. Still, the look of an opening that splits your earlobe in two can leave you feeling self-conscious about your appearance. Thankfully, you don’t have to attempt to grin and bear – or continue hiding...

Neck Lift Surgery: Your Complete Guide to an Optimal Recovery Mar 1st, 2024

Each year in the United States, more than 160,000 people opt for a neck lift, a cosmetic surgery that addresses signs of aging on your neck and jawline. And as with most surgeries, a recovery period follows the procedure.  At our offices in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, and...

Here's What to Expect During Your Mohs Procedure Feb 1st, 2024

Your skin is your largest organ and the one most likely to be affected by cancer. While skin cancer can be a daunting diagnosis, cure rates are high with early detection.  If you’ve selected a Mohs procedure for your skin cancer treatment, you’ve already upped your odds of a positive...

Dermal Fillers vs. Fat Transfer: Which Is Right for You? Jan 9th, 2024

Feeling self-conscious about your aging skin? You’re far from alone.  A range of factors cause areas of your face to wrinkle, sag, and appear concave over time, from reduced elasticity to less collagen production. If you’ve spent plentiful time in the sun without UV protection or you’re a smoker, those...

Eyelid Surgery: A Minor Procedure That Delivers Major Results Dec 14th, 2023

When your eyes look tired, your whole appearance and confidence can take a hit. And loose skin, puffiness, or under-eye bags can make your eyes look exhausted. If these symptoms carry on even when you’ve had a good night’s rest, you may be a good candidate for an surgery known...

TEPEZZA® Infusions for Thyroid Eye Disease: What to Expect Nov 15th, 2023

Thyroid eye disease (TED) is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the fatty tissue and muscles behind your eyes. While it’s not common in the general population, it affects about 40% of people with Graves’ disease — a condition marked by an overactive thyroid. While TED symptoms can be...

Take Your Skin Care Regimen to the Next Level With Regular Light Chemical Peels Oct 1st, 2023

Many things affect your skin, from the sun’s rays and pollutants in the air to the passage of time and your genetics. And while a good at-home skin care routine helps, those habits only go so far.  If your skin isn’t as radiant as you’d like, light chemical peels may be your...

MOXI and BBL: An Unbeatable Combo for Total Skin Rejuvenation Sep 1st, 2023

Your skin is your most sensitive organ, and among the most cherished from an appearance standpoint. Everything from pollutants in the air to UV rays and aging can impact your skin, leading to effects many people wish they could do without.  That’s where the fractionated laser, MOXI, and broadband light...

Sculptra® Smooths Deep Wrinkles and Restores Facial Volume for Up to Two Years Aug 1st, 2023

As you age, your skin naturally produces less collagen, a protein that creates a smooth, supple texture. If you’ve noticed that your skin looks more shallow or wrinkled over time, reduced collagen is a major reason.  Other factors that fuel skin aging include smoking and exposure to ultraviolet light from...

The Difference Eyelid Ptosis Repair Can Make Jul 10th, 2023

When one or both of your eyelids droop, a condition known as ptosis, numerous bothersome symptoms can unfold. By partially or fully blocking your vision, sagging eyelids can interfere with your ability to go about your daily life, spurring frustration. The area around your eyes might also feel tired and...

How Botulinum Toxin Can Fix Asymmetrical Features Jun 2nd, 2023

Do you ever look in the mirror and wish your eyebrows or lips were more symmetrical? If so, you’re far from alone. No one’s face is perfectly symmetrical, but a generally balanced face is perceived as especially attractive in people of all genders around the world. And when features on...

Can Moles Cause a Health Risk? May 1st, 2023

By age 20, it’s completely normal to have 10-40 moles on your skin. And in most cases, moles are harmless. Some moles, however, stem from skin cancer, the most common form of cancer in the United States.  At our offices in Scarsdale and the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, board-certified cosmetic surgeon Robert...

Do Brow Lifts Look Natural? Apr 1st, 2023

Sagging, wrinkling, and fine lines in the forehead are among the top aging-related concerns. A brow lift can help turn those issues around, giving you a smoother, more youthful appearance — if you work with a qualified professional. At our offices in Scarsdale and the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, board-certified...

Treat Thyroid Eye Disease With TEPEZZA® Mar 14th, 2023

Your thyroid is a small gland that plays a big role in your health. As part of your endocrine system, it produces and releases hormones that help control a range of important functions, from your body temperature to the rate at which your body converts food into energy.When your thyroid...

How Mohs Surgery Works to Remove Your Skin Cancer Feb 10th, 2023

If you’ve been diagnosed with skin cancer, getting the most effective treatment is a top priority. And for that, Mohs surgery may be your best bet. This precise and thorough procedure is highly successful and, with special care taken during closure, is unlikely to cause significant scarring. At our offices...

My Drooping Eyelids Are Affecting My Eyesight: Can You Help? Jan 11th, 2023

Some 11.5% of people experience eyelid drooping at some point. And for many, it’s more than a cosmetic concern. When your eyelids sag below an ideal place, they can limit your field of vision. And when you can’t see fully or comfortably, your quality of life can suffer, too. Thankfully,...

What Does a Neck Lift Involve? Dec 8th, 2022

If you’re feeling self-conscious about your neck as years go by, you may want to consider a neck lift. This cosmetic surgery can reduce common signs of an aging neck, such as sagging skin, turning the clock back on your appearance.  Board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, and his team...

Give Your Face a Fresh Look for the Upcoming Holidays With a Chemical Peel Nov 1st, 2022

As the holiday season draws near, it’s natural to want to look your best. If a revitalized complexion in time for festive gatherings or family photos tops your wish list, you may want to consider a chemical peel. This nonsurgical treatment invites a range of benefits, from a more youthful...

Why Are My Eyebrows Sagging? Oct 10th, 2022

If you’re bothered by a droopy appearance in your forehead or eyebrows, you’re not alone. Popularity of surgical and nonsurgical procedures that address forehead lines, sagginess, and wrinkles have been on the rise in recent years. And numerous factors can lead to those common complaints. Board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Robert M. Schwarcz, MD,...

Are You a Candidate for Fat Transfer? Sep 13th, 2022

Whether you long for a plumper, smoother facial complexion or want the benefits of dermal fillers without the synthetic substances or upkeep, you may want to consider a fat transfer. This cosmetic procedure uses fat from your own body to restore a lasting, more youthful look to your face.  Board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Robert...

Myths and Facts About Fillers Aug 1st, 2022

If you’re seeking a more radiant, youthful look without surgery, you may want to consider fillers. Also known as facial fillers or dermal fillers, this injectable treatment to address fine lines, wrinkles, or creases on your face is quick and usually well tolerated.  In fact, you can likely fit your filler treatment...

What to Expect From Tear Duct Repair Jul 1st, 2022

Your tear ducts do more than let you cry. The tiny tunnels are part of a drainage system between your eyes and throat that make it possible for tears to keep your eyes clean and moist. If your ducts have become blocked, tear duct repair can bring a great deal of relief...

How Is a Mid-Facelift Different? Jun 6th, 2022

If you’re bothered by your reflection or how you appear in photos as years go by, you may be considering a facelift. These popular procedures resculpt your face to reverse various signs of aging. And while the goals of most facelifts are the same, all techniques are not created equally. Board-certified...

Popular Benefits of Lip Augmentation May 1st, 2022

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you. And if you’re not feeling terribly confident about your lips, you may not feel as comfortable sporting your grin.  If you’d like to feel lovelier or sexier in terms of your lips, consider lip augmentation. Board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon...

How Is Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treated? Apr 5th, 2022

Over 200 cases of squamous cell carcinoma are diagnosed every hour in the United States, making it the second most common form of skin cancer. While finding out you have any form of cancer can feel scary, this type isn’t generally a worst-case scenario. With early diagnosis and treatment, squamous cell carcinoma...

How Can I Get Rid of Crow's Feet Without Surgery? Mar 1st, 2022

Crow’s feet can be a good sign in some ways — the more you laugh and smile, the more likely you are to develop these fine lines around your eyes. At the same time, lines on your face aren’t always a welcome addition from an aesthetic standpoint. And if you’ve...

Why You Shouldn't Ignore an Unusual Mole Feb 1st, 2022

An estimated one in every 10 adults in the United States has at least one atypical mole. And while some are completely harmless, others contain precancerous or cancerous cells. Rather than risk it, hoping you can ignore your usual mole without consequence, it’s important to seek professional care sooner than...

5 Reasons to Consider a Facelift Jan 1st, 2022

If you’re bothered by changes to the look of your face as years go by, you may want to consider a facelift. During this popular procedure, the skin on your face is pulled back and tissues beneath the skin are surgically altered to restore a younger-looking facial shape. In many...

When to Consider a Chemical Peel Dec 1st, 2021

If you’re bothered by wrinkles or discolored skin, you may want to consider a chemical peel. This nonsurgical treatment takes about an hour and brings visible results in about a week. While the procedure is only minimally invasive, it’s not ideal for everyone. And if you’re a good candidate, you’ll...

Complications of a Facial Fracture Nov 1st, 2021

Just like all bones throughout your body, bones in your face are vulnerable to fractures. While a broken nose is the most common, you can also break your forehead, cheekbones, jaw, and eye sockets. And once you have one or more facial fractures, you run the risk of complications that...

The Many Benefits of Facial Fillers Oct 5th, 2021

If you aren’t pleased with signs of aging that you spot in the mirror or photos of yourself, you may want to consider facial fillers. Also known as dermal fillers or simply fillers, the treatment involves injections of gel-like substances beneath your skin to create a more youthful and radiant...

How a Neck Lift Can Make You Look Younger Sep 8th, 2021

You’re in a video meeting or scrolling through family photos and notice that your neck doesn’t look the way it did when you were younger. The skin wrinkles and sags where it never used to, and you suddenly feel “old.”  Aging is a natural process, but that doesn’t mean you...

Understanding the Different Types of Skin Cancer Aug 4th, 2021

Your skin is your largest organ and the organ most vulnerable to cancer, especially if you spend time in the sun without protection, if you have light skin and eyes, or if skin cancer runs in your family.  Every day in the United States alone, 9,500 people are diagnosed with...

Help for Your Facial Paralysis Jul 14th, 2021

When it comes to problems with muscles, movement, and paralysis, it’s easy to think of issues with your arms or legs — but virtually any part of your body can lose the ability to move, including all parts of your face. While facial paralysis isn't as common as other types...

Should I Choose a Dermal Filler or Dysport®? Jun 30th, 2021

If you’re bothered by how you look in video calls, photos, or the mirror as years go by yet you aren’t interested in cosmetic surgery, you may have wondered about minimally invasive alternatives. Botox®, Dysport®, and dermal fillers are among the most popular and effective available options. While these injectable...

Get Rid of Undereye Bags With Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty May 14th, 2021

As you age, the muscles that support your eyelids weaken and the skin in the area stretches. As a result, fat may gather around your eyelids, causing droopy upper lids, sagging eyebrows, and bags under your eyes. These effects can make you look older, detract from your self-confidence, and even...

Is Under-Eye Filler Right for Me? Apr 20th, 2021

If your reflection makes you long for a time when circles and lines under your eyes were a thing of the future, you may want to consider dermal fillers. This minimally invasive procedure takes place during a short office visit, after which you walk away with a more youthful appearance....

Tighten Saggy Skin with FaceTite Mar 1st, 2021

Aging is a beautiful, natural part of life that comes with experience, wisdom, and unfortunately, wrinkles. This is because as we age, our body slows down the production of two proteins that have a vital role in keeping our skin smooth, plump, and hydrated: collagen and elastin. Collagen, the primary...

Beauty of Laser Treatments Sep 17th, 2020

Laser treatments are non-surgical, non-invasive and frequently the popular choice among patients looking for a cosmetic boost to their skin. The Clear and Brilliant laser is one example of an effective laser treatment, a favorite of many of our patients. This laser resurfacing treatment renews and rejuvenates the skin by...

The Dangers of Precancerous Skin Lesions Sep 3rd, 2020

Skin cancer can be devastating. News of tumorous skin cells growing amd multiplying at accelerated rates can be frightening. This is why prevention and early detection of skin cancer is key. Prior to the development of skin cancer cells and tumors, lesions may be seen on the surface of the skin. Several...

Eyelid Blepharoplasty Surgery Improves Vision, Lessens Discomfort and Enhances Appearance Aug 15th, 2020

Eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is a prime example of what Dr. Robert Schwarcz offers his patients looking for a cosmetic and functional adjustment to their appearance. Not only does blepharoplasty surgery improve the look of your eyes, it also has the opportunity to improve vision. Without sagging or excess skin in...

Reasons Blepharoplasty Surgery is Suitable for You Aug 1st, 2020

What is eyelid blepharoplasty surgery? You may be wondering the benefits and reasons one would undergo this cosmetic procedure. Several considerations and goals are involved. During a blepharoplasty procedure, the baggy, sagging, excess skin on both the upper and lower eyelids are surgically removed. As a result, peripheral vision can also...

Unwanted Skin Conditions like Dark Circles and Dark Spots Jul 22nd, 2019

Dr. Schwarcz is a New York cosmetic plastic surgeon who offers various cosmetic treatments for unwanted skin conditions, including dark circles beneath the eyes and dark spots and pigmentation on the face. Dark spots and age spots have various treatments including laser therapy, cryotherapy, and chemical peels. The Intense Pulsed Light laser...

Lip Enhancement via Facial Fillers Jul 9th, 2019

Many women opt for lip enhancements non-surgically via facial fillers. Restylane Silk is the facial filler of choice for the lips. To create more voluptuous, juicier, fuller lips, this non-surgical non-invasive treatment is done by injection by a cosmetic plastic surgeon. The amount of filler will be discussed prior to the...

SculpSure: The Easiest Way to Remove Unwanted Fat is With a Laser Jun 24th, 2019

No Surgery. No Downtime. Lose all your Unwanted fat with the SculpSure laser. This treatment method is done by laser and the results can be seen a few weeks after the treatment. Body contouring fat removal is done by heating up and increasing the temperature of the fat cells to...

Why Facial Implants are Increasing in Popularity Jun 3rd, 2019

Facial implants are used by cosmetic plastic surgeons to create a defined or prominent accentuation of certain features of the face such as the jaw, cheeks, or chin. Depending on the individual’s desired goal, almost any aesthetic can be accomplished. Facial implants are more popular as a less invasive alternative...

Tear Duct Reconstruction May 23rd, 2019

Tear duct surgery may be warranted when the tear ducts are blocked causing peripheral vision or issues with the eye such as excessive tearing. Tear duct reconstuction surgery may be required at that point to remove the blockage in the ducts. Various techniques exist to allow for alternative drainage. Oculoplastic facial...

Risks of Skin Cancer & Pre-Cancerous Lesions May 7th, 2019

Skin cancer is dangerous and presents real health issues for an individual diagnosed with one of the many forms of skin cancer or a pre-cancerous skin lesion that has not yet developed into cancer. Both must be treated and removed in a timely manner to eliminate any health risk. Many people can...

Reconstructive Surgery for Orbital Tumors and Fractures Apr 24th, 2019

When trauma or injury to the orbital socket or area near or around the eyes occurs, the consequences can be significant. If left untreated, one can inevitably lose or tarnish their eyesight as a result. Dr. Schwarcz recommends repair and/or reconstructive surgery depending on the circumstances and nature of the condition....

How We Treat Keloid, Acne and Hypertrophic Scars Apr 10th, 2019

Undesirable and uncomfortable scars can be removed. Hypertrophic scars are unsightly, flat and cosmetically not pretty which is why many of our patients seek to remove them. In the case of hypertrophic scars which are caused by excessive collagen production when the skin is healing after a trauma or injury,...

Treatment Options for Under Eye Dark Circles Jul 16th, 2018

Dark circles under the eyes are increasingly common. Both men and women alike seek cosmetic treatments for their dark circles with a cosmetic plastic surgeon. Dr. Robert Schwarcz is a New York oculoplastic facial surgeon and board-certified cosmetic surgeon who regularly treats patients without the need for surgery for dark circles under...

Treatment Options for Facial Volume Loss Jul 1st, 2018

Facial Implants: The Surgical Treatment Option for Lost Facial Volume Facial implants are designed to augment and enhance the contours and cosmetic appearance of the face. The type of implants varies and include chin implants, cheek, malar and jaw implants. For instance, a chin implant can add lost facial volume while...

How To Treat Post-Pregnancy Skin Discoloration and Pigmentation Jun 13th, 2018

Skin discoloration is a common consequence of hormonal changes that may come from pregnancy. It can come in the form of hyperpigmentation, freckles, brown spots, age spots and more. At Dr. Schwarcz’s practice, we utilize laser treatment to treat such skin discoloration for our patients. Mothers after delivery and labor often find...

Facial Filler Injection with Oculoplastic Surgeon May 8th, 2018

Anyone who is looking to undergo a non-surgical procedure that fills out hollowed areas of the face and improves the appearance of the fine lines, creases, lack of volume and wrinkles may benefit from facial filler injections. Facial filler treatment can produce natural-looking results and is often a better alternative to more...

A Restylane Silk Filler Specialist Oct 15th, 2017

Restylane Silk is a revolutionary treatment that can aid in the war against aging. Approved by the FDA, this treatment is part of the Restylane product line that has been giving people great results since 2014. Lidocaine has been added to Restylane Silk so that patients can enjoy greater comfort...

Cosmetic Orbital Decompression Surgery Oct 3rd, 2017

Proptosis is a condition that causes the eyes to appear large and disproportionate to the rest of the face. Bulging eyes receive too much air exposure and are susceptible to harm from foreign objects. Some people are born with proptosis, but people can also develop it later in life. This...

Droopy Eyelids and Revisional Eyelid Ptosis Surgery Sep 20th, 2017

When droopy eyelids are caused by unsatisfactory results from a previous surgery, the patient can opt to undergo revisional ptosis reconstructive surgery. To tighten or move the levator muscle of the orbit, an oculoplastic surgeon can lift the upper eyelid. Depending on the condition’s severity and patient’s surgical history, the success...

The Mid-Face Lift and Cheek Augmentation Sep 18th, 2017

Age, gravity and sun damage can eventually cause fat deflation and facial descent. In the mid-face from the nasolabial folds to the lower eyelids, these issues are particularly noticeable. As a person grows older, the mid-face may deflate, flatten and fall, causing the face to prematurely age. To reverse these...

Thyroid Orbitopathy and Thyroid Eye Disease Surgical Treatment Sep 9th, 2017

Thyroid orbitopathy is a type of eye disease that affects the eye socket and surrounding tissues. For example, the condition can affect a person’s eye muscles and eyelids. Some doctors refer to this autoimmune inflammatory condition as thyroid eye disease. Those who have this condition may also develop problems with...

Orbital Blowout Fracture Surgery Aug 31st, 2017

Injuries to the eye socket and surrounding eye structures are a common occurrence. Blunt force trauma and sharp force trauma due to assaults, athletic activities and falls can lead to canalicular lacerations, eyelid lacerations, orbital fractures and orbital hemorrhages. An oculoplastic surgeon will examine and treat the eyeball in addition...

Prosthetic Eye and Socket Reconstructive Surgery with an Oculoplastic Surgeon Aug 23rd, 2017

An anophthalmic socket is a term used to describe an eyeless orbit. Usually, anophthalmia is acquired, not congenital. The precipitating event that leads to the eye loss causes the patient emotional distress and insecurities. As an oculoplastic specialist in NYC, Dr. Schwarcz can reconstruct the eye socket and eyelid before an ocularist...

Orbital Tumors and Cellulitis Aug 16th, 2017

Orbital cellulitis is an infection that occurs behind the orbital septum. This infection usually develops when there are issues with the eyelids or sinuses, which are adjacent to the orbits. Orbital cellulitis is dangerous and life threatening, so immediate treatment is essential. Those who have this infection need antibiotics and...

Almond Eye Surgery Aug 4th, 2017

Almond eyes are characterized by a slightly raised outer corner or canthus and a lower eyelid that sits at the lower edge of the iris. While all eye shapes can be beautiful, almond eyes create an attractive, youthful, and somewhat exotic appearance. Some individuals have almond eyes naturally because of...

Tear Trough Treatment and Sunken Eye Treatment Jul 24th, 2017

Tear trough deformities often occur in those who have certain genes or thin faces. This hollow area under the eyes gives the appearance of dark circles, making the eyes look tired or sunken. Some people may also have bags under the eyes, which worsens the appearance of dark circles. People...

Eyelid Skin Cancer Surgery and Eyelid Reconstruction Jul 11th, 2017

Cancerous and benign skin lesions commonly develop on eyelid skin because the skin is thin, and it receives a substantial amount of long-term sunlight exposure. However, many eye-fold lesions are not cancerous. Dr. Robert Schwarcz, a board-certified oculoplastic cosmetic surgeon, can easily remove these lesions. Common Eyelid Cancers Squamous cell...

What Is Asian Blepharoplasty? Jun 28th, 2017

The crease, shape and eye-fold corners of Asian people’s eyelids differ from those of Caucasian people’s eyelids. In those who are of Asian descent, the orbital fat of the upper eyelids is more prominent, and the upper lids have either lower or non-existent creases. Approximately one-half of Asians have single...

Injectable Treatments Jun 11th, 2017

Who Is a Candidate for Facial Injectables? There are numerous surgical and non-surgical methods available to those living in the New York area to reverse the signs of facial aging. Injectable fillers accounted for approximately 56 percent of all facial rejuvenation procedures performed in 2016. Injectables are a minimally invasive...

Blepharoplasty and Eyelid Scar Correction May 27th, 2017

Lower Blepharoplasty Revision Dr. Robert Schwarcz in New York City frequently sees patients who suffer from problems such as prolonged chemosis, scarring, missing skin, wrinkled skin, lumps, bumps and an overabundance or lack of eye bags. Revisional lower blepharoplasty can correct these issues. Due to the eyelids’ delicate nature, a...

Revisional Eyelid Surgery May 17th, 2017

In some cases, facial and eyelid surgeries like blepharoplasty, a brow lift, canthoplasty and ptosis surgery result in functional or cosmetic problems. Revisional eyelid surgery addresses these issues. The best doctor for revision eyelid surgery and blepharoplasty is experienced and trained in facial, revisional and original eyelid surgery. Dr. Robert Schwarcz is a...

Cosmetic Treatments for a Sagging Neck & Face May 8th, 2017

Sagging skin around the face and neck is typically one of the first signs of aging. Over time, the skin becomes less elastic, and the underlying fat that supports the skin of the face and neck can shift or disappear. Heredity, stress, sun exposure, and smoking can also affect the...

The Facial Implants Procedure Apr 28th, 2017

Facial implants are a popular facial rejuvenation treatment among patients in NYC. Board-certified cosmetic surgeon Dr. Schwarcz can use a variety of different implants to augment specific parts of the face to create a younger and more aesthetically pleasing profile. The implants are constructed from solid materials that are compatible with...

Popular Cosmetic Procedures for Men Apr 18th, 2017

Cosmetic surgery is becoming increasingly popular among men in New York City. Treatment by a facial oculoplastic and cosmetic surgeon can be used to address both aesthetic and functional concerns involving the various features of the face. Cosmetic Procedures Most Requested by Men Eyelid Rejuvenation As a person ages, it...

What is Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) or Thyroid Orbitopathy Apr 9th, 2017

Thyroid eye disease, also known as TED, is an orbital disease closely linked to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, and other immune disorders affecting the thyroid. Although the condition affects all races and ages, it most often occurs in individuals in their 20s to 60s. Women are far more likely to...

The Best Techniques to Shape and Plump Your Lips Apr 1st, 2017

For individuals looking for a simple enhancement treatment for the size and shape of your lips, hyaluronic acid fillers such as Juvederm®, Restylane®, and Restylane Silk® are effective methods to achieve full, natural-looking lips. Hyaluronic acid is a protein that occurs naturally in the skin. When injected into the lips, these fillers...

Dermal Fillers, Lower Blepharoplasty, & Fat Grafting for Dark Circles and Under-Eye Bags Mar 23rd, 2017

The area around the eyes is one of the first places to reflect the tell-tale signs of aging. Bags, hollows, or dark circles under the eyes can make a person’s overall appearance look tired, haggard, and even unwell. Fortunately, various cosmetic treatments, including eyelid blepharoplasty and dermal fillers, can correct...

5 Signs You Need Revision Eyelid Surgery Mar 10th, 2017

Most patients undergoing eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, do so for aesthetic or medical reasons. Blepharoplasty surgery is an effective way to remove loose skin and excess fat around the eyes that can add years to the overall appearance and even interfere with the proper function of the eyelid. If the...

Types and Benefits of Facial Fillers Feb 28th, 2017

As you age, your skin will naturally lose volume and sag as the pads of fat and connective tissues beneath it shrink. Facial fillers help reverse this change by adding support beneath the skin, stretching it out to erase wrinkles. When administered by a skilled cosmetic plastic surgeon, fillers can...

Treat Your Excessive Sweating with Botox Feb 20th, 2017

An estimated 2.8 percent of the American population, or about 8 million people, suffer from a condition called hyperhidrosis. These people sweat heavily from their armpits, soles of the feet, or palms of their hands. This sweating occurs regardless of the weather or the person’s emotional state. Hyperhidrosis or excessive...

Cheek Implants Create Definition & Tone Feb 11th, 2017

Cheek implants are a way to improve facial balance and definition. Facial implants reduce signs of aging around the eyes and create a more proportioned mid-face. By adding projection to the cheek area, the face looks less heavy and more fit and toned. When volume and soft tissue are lost...

Lip Augmentation: The Path to Plumper Lips with Dermal Fillers Feb 9th, 2017

Lip augmentation using dermal fillers is a non-surgical treatment for creating full, voluminous lips. In the past, lip augmentation typically involved collagen injections. Today, the most popular dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which is safer than collagen and produces longer-lasting results. Hyaluronic acid occurs in the body naturally and adds volume to the...

ClearLift: A Breakthrough in Cosmetic Laser Treatment Jan 31st, 2017

ClearLift is a non-invasive skin resurfacing procedure that can lift and tighten sagging skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, vascular redness, and small spider veins. The procedure is gentle enough that it can be used on the neck and chest as well as around the eyes and mouth....

How A Chin Implant Can Contour Your Face Jan 17th, 2017

A person’s face is seen as attractive, or otherwise appealing based upon our individual and cultural perceptions of beauty. Ultimately, this is rooted in the highly-evolved perception of specific traits, which people have developed over thousands of years. Facial implant surgery helps add definition, contour and symmetry to certain features of...

Reasons for Getting a Brow Lift Jan 10th, 2017

As a person ages, their eyebrows often begin to sag, becoming flat and droopy. This creates a tired look, which can affect how a person sees themselves, as well as how other people interact with them. A brow lift is a simple cosmetic surgical procedure which works to correct this...

How Rhinoplasty is Performed Jan 2nd, 2017

Rhinoplasty is a type of cosmetic procedure used to reshape the nose to improve its structure. Patients often have this procedure done to correct a deformity. For example, a person can have a nose job done to eliminate a bump on his or her nose, alter the size or shape, or...

Treat Your Lips With Restylane Silk Dec 22nd, 2016

Restylane Silk is a simple, easy-to-administer facial filler that can be used for targeted treatment of fine wrinkles and deeper facial lines. It is especially popular for lip enhancement because it produces a light, soft filling augmentation where other fillers can make lips look hard or unnatural. Restylane Silk is a non-surgical cosmetic...

Trust An Oculoplastic Surgeon With Eyelid Surgery Dec 8th, 2016

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is performed to expand the area of view that the eye is capable of seeing. In addition, it is a cosmetic enhancement procedure performed. This procedure has the potential to improve the patient’s quality of life, bringing many benefits with refreshed and rejuvenated eyelids. There are...

Tips for a Successful Blepharoplasty Recovery Nov 25th, 2016

Cosmetic surgery requires the patient to adhere closely to certain guidelines in order to recover quickly and healthily from the procedure. Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, calls for the same guidelines as any other surgery, but due to the nature of the surgery, the patient will need to take additional precautions. The procedure...

Recovery Success For a Facelift Nov 11th, 2016

A facelift is a cosmetic surgical procedure routinely performed by Dr. Schwarcz to enhance the skin elasticity and youthfulness of the face. As with any surgery, it will take a while to recover from a facelift. In general, it takes two or three weeks of rest and healing before you will...

Potential Side-Effects of Eyelid Surgery Oct 28th, 2016

Eyelid blepharoplasty surgery can greatly help enhance and revive a youthful appearance by tightening loose, sagging skin around your eyes. However, there will be a temporary period of discomfort while you recover from the surgery. With natural-looking results, the discomfort should subside during the recovery period. Your cosmetic oculoplastic surgeon Dr. Robert...

Tips for the Blepharoplasty Procedure Oct 19th, 2016

Once you’ve decided to have undergo the eyelid blepharoplasty procedure to reconstruct your eyelids and tighten sagging skin around your eyes, it’s important to prepare yourself properly. Your cosmetic oculoplastic surgeon will tell you more about how to get ready, but here are some simple tips on what you can do:  Stop smoking, at...

The 411 On Eyelid Blepharoplasty Oct 3rd, 2016

With time, the muscles surrounding the eyes lose their strength. This can cause loose folds and sagging skin in the upper eyelids and bags under the eyes. Not only does this give the face a tired appearance, but it can also impair vision and make it difficult to wear contact...

Neck & Chin Liposuction To Remove Unwanted Sagging Skin Sep 19th, 2016

The Proven Benefits of Liposuction for the Neck and Chin Liposuction is a time-tested method for removing unwanted fat from the neck which is connected to the chin. It is traditionally recommended for more severe double-chin cases and those accompanied by sagging neck skin or loose jowls. The treatment is performed under...

Eyelid Blepharoplasty to Renew the Skin Around Your Eyes Sep 12th, 2016

Everyone knows that skin begins to loosen and sag as we age. This is true for all skin, even the delicate skin surrounding the eyes. Sagging eyelids can typically make a person’s face look older. If you have drooping eyelids, you might consider elective blepharoplasty, eyelid surgery to restore and replenish...

Facts About Cosmetic Lip Enhancement Sep 5th, 2016

Full, lush, and shapely lips have come into style these days. Lips like Angeline Jolie’s have become desirable to many women, although the possibility of “duck lips,” those extremely large and grotesque results of poorly done cosmetic procedures are a possibility. The patient and her cosmetic plastic surgeon must work...

Get Tighter Looking Skin with our Fat Transfer Procedure Aug 29th, 2016

The fat under the skin is necessary for youthful and healthy skin. Facial fat grafting will restore the damage created to facial tissue, and is used as an alternative to a facelift surgery. Because of the risks involved in laser resurfacing, some patients prefer to undergo the fat transfer procedure also...

How to Remove Unsightly Scars and Keloids Aug 25th, 2016

Part of the aftermath of having an invasive surgical procedure is the resulting scar. Scar tissue is made of myofibroblasts and collagen fibers, which are the same tissues of the skin it has replaced, but with a different fiber composition. The new alignment of collagen scar tissue is typically inferior,...

The Basics of Rhinoplasty Aug 21st, 2016

Anyone who desires to have a more attractive nose can undergo a rhinoplasty procedure to achieve natural-looking results. Also known as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that can safely and effectively correct certain flaws and even promote better breathing. Ideal Candidates People who have noses that are too big...

Cosmetic Surgery: A Liposuction Guide Aug 15th, 2016

Liposuction is a type of surgery that removes unwanted fat from the body. Your surgeon can use this body contouring procedure to remove fat in areas such as your hips, arms, love handles, thighs, calves and neck. This popular cosmetic procedure can make you slimmer and help your clothes fit better. Is...

The Pros of Otoplasty Aug 1st, 2016

Otoplasty is an option for patients who want to change the size, shape, or position of your ears. This cosmetic surgical procedure is an ideal solution if you are bothered by the appearance of ears that stick out, are asymmetrical, are too large or small in proportion to other features, or have sustained an...

Fat Grafting or Fillers: Which Is Better? Jul 18th, 2016

Part of what makes a youthful face is the presence of subcutaneous fat. This is what keeps skin smooth and unwrinkled and produces round cheeks and soft lips. However, over the years this fat is lost, or pulled downward by gravity and creates sagging. Being able to restore this support...

What to Expect When Using Botox for the Treatment of Fine Lines Around The Eyes Jul 4th, 2016

BOTOX is a powerful serum that can be strategically injected into the upper-third portion of the face to smooth out fine lines and wrinkles such as those that commonly develop around the eyes and across the brow. This treatment is incredibly effective for eliminating dynamic wrinkles or wrinkles that have developed as...

The Prospects of Hip and Butt Liposuction Leading to a More Feminine Figure Jun 20th, 2016

There is a misconception among the public that liposuction is simply a way to get rid of a specific portion of fat that is deemed favorable. In reality, your cosmetic plastic and reconstructive surgeon aims to determine how much leftover fat can be used to maintain your body’s outline and...

Revitalize Your Skin with a Chemical Peel Jun 6th, 2016

The aging process slows the manner in which dead skin cells slough off. The net result is the skin does not appear as vibrant as it did when a person was younger. A chemical peel is a non-surgical treatment that eliminates the top layer of skin. The treatment improves the overall...

Rejuvenate Your Appearance and Restore Lost Volume with Dermal Fillers May 23rd, 2016

Dermal fillers are injectable, cosmetic medicines that are designed to restore lost facial volume, strategically contour and sculpt the face, and minimize or even eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. These products can be used to restore a youthful appearance at the neck, face and hands. Dermal fillers are currently among the...

Lip Augmentation: The Latest and Greatest in Industry Practice May 9th, 2016

Lip Augmentation If you love the look of fuller lips and are considering surgical lip augmentation, injectable dermal fillers are the safest and most common option. These products, most commonly made from a natural substance called hyaluronic acid, can improve the shape, structure, and volume of your lips. Benefits of Hyaluronic...

Am I A Good Candidate for a Facial Implant? Apr 25th, 2016

Subtle implants are an excellent way to restore your facial symmetry and take years off of your appearance, but many patients are unsure of exactly how these procedures are carried out. If you are still on the line about cosmetic surgery, then read ahead for a look at just a few of...

What should I expect after I had a neck lift procedure performed? Apr 15th, 2016

A neck lift will lift and tighten loose, saggy skin on the neck and jaw line. Signs of aging skin can be improved and corrected using surgery. Signs of Aging  Developing jowls – The lower part of your cheeks and under the chin can become soft and fleshy with age.  Loose skin and...

What is ClearLift and is it really painless? Apr 14th, 2016

Improving the appearance of your skin no longer requires expensive and painful procedures. More patients than ever are now turning to non-ablative treatments such as ClearLift to help them take years off of their appearance. Also referred to as a laser facelift, Alma ClearLift offers many of the same advantages as a...

The “Lunch Break Facelift.” Safely Rejuvenating Your Look Apr 6th, 2016

There are many reasons that lines, sags and creases emerge in the skin. The major one is that gravity exerts pressure, pulling and stretching skin. It can make your skin look thinner and take volume away from the face. More and more people unhappy with the appearance are turning to...

Understanding The Options For Cosmetic Lip Surgery Mar 29th, 2016

If you think that your lips are too big or too small, then there are a number of cosmetic surgery options available for you. A cosmetic procedure can improve your appearance and increase your confidence. Below is a list of some of the options for cosmetic lip surgery: Lip Reduction A lip...

Understanding Thyroid Eye Disease – Thyroid Orbitopathy Reconstructive Surgery Options Mar 22nd, 2016

Thyroid disease can lead to many problems that hinder life for the sufferer. The less intrusive symptoms, such as bulging eyes and muscle strain, are common among patients with thyroid disease. Though these symptoms may seem minor in their early stages, they can lead to double vision and even blindness...

What Are the Benefits of a Mid-Facelift? Mar 15th, 2016

One of the most prominent advancements in plastic surgery is the mid-facelift. The mid-facelift is an innovative procedure that promotes a complete facial rejuvenation for women who would like to reduce sagging above the mouth but below the eyes. Prior to the invention of the mid facelift, plastic surgeons performed the...

Who is a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty? Mar 8th, 2016

Rhinoplasty is an effective cosmetic plastic surgery procedure designed to restore someone’s nose shape or to help someone with a breathing problem. You may be an excellent candidate if:  Your nose is too large  Your nose is too small  Your bridge or tip need reshaping  You’ve been in an accident and your...

Can Dermal (Facial) Fillers Treat Acne Scars? Mar 1st, 2016

Acne scars develop when collagen production is disrupted while acne is healing. Acne scars are notoriously stubborn and they can be a source of embarrassment for men and women. While not effective for all types of scars, dermal fillers can be a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of facial...

What are the Benefits of Facial Skin Peels Feb 24th, 2016

For New Yorkers on the go, skin imperfections are an unwelcome fact of life. With a chemical peel, you can enhance the appearance of skin—reducing or banishing everything from fine lines and wrinkles to sun spots and dark circles—in a non-invasive, non-toxic procedure. The Problem with Aging As skin ages, it...

Mole Removal Procedures – What Can I Expect Feb 16th, 2016

Mole removal procedures are among the most simplistic and most common of reconstructive surgeries. Overall, mole removal is performed quickly, with minimal scar tissue and a brisk recovery process. Although some methods of removal incorporate heat or freezing as a means of gradual removal, one-time excision is the most popular (and effective) of...

Brow Lift or Blepharoplasty – which do I need? Feb 8th, 2016

With age comes change, more than our maturity levels and career advancements can measure. Our appearances in themselves change with time, and our faces in particular can begin to look chronically exhausted. Lines that develop horizontally across our foreheads and eyelids that develop a saggy appearance can create an aged...

How Facial Fillers Can Treat Acne Scarring Feb 1st, 2016

Acne scarring is a common problem in those who have experienced blackheads, pimples and acne. There are five different types of acne scarring that are typically seen by Dr. Schwarcz. These types include:  Ice pick acne scars, which are the most common form. They form narrow pits in the skin....

Conditions Treated by Chemical Peels | NYC Plastic Surgery Jan 24th, 2016

What is a chemical peel? A chemical peel is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure done by a certified doctor in which a chemical solution is applied to the skin. This causes a type of blister, also called a controlled wound, which then peels off your face and reveals the fresh layer of skin...

Understanding Socket Repair Surgery Jan 16th, 2016

Repairing An Orbital Fracture An orbital fracture, or eye socket fracture, typically occurs as the result of trauma. Large orbital fractures can cause double vision. They can also cause a sunken eye appearance. Doctors typically repair the broken eye socket by placing a synthetic implant in the fractured area. The procedure is...

What Can I Expect From a Brow Lift Procedure in NYC? Jan 9th, 2016

Why Get a Brow Lift? If you’re unhappy with the way that your face is aging, comprehensive cosmetic treatments like facelifts or lip and cheek injections may seem appealing. However, a consistent tired or worried look may simply be the result of sagging eyebrows, so why engage the entire face when a...

Otoplasty: The Best Way to Cosmetically Enhance the Ears Jan 4th, 2016

Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that changes the ears’ position, shape or size without impacting the patient’s hearing. Also known as ear pinning or an ear tuck procedure, this cosmetic surgery is suitable for patients who feel their ears are too big or protrude too far from their head. Those who suffer...

Lip Augmentation Guide – Here’s What You Should Know Jan 2nd, 2016

What to Know When Considering Lip Augmentation Thin lips are often a concern for many women. Lip augmentation by use of fillers or implants can help increase lip volume and reduce the appearance of age related lines and creasing along the border of the lips. This augmented look of the lips brings...

Orbital Tumor Treatments – What Method is Most Effective? Dec 26th, 2015

What Is An Orbital Tumor? An orbital tumor is a type of tumor that is located in the orbit. The orbit is a bony socket that is located in the part of the skull that contains the eye. It is also known as the eye socket. An orbital tumor can be...

When Would I Want a Chemical Peel? Learn from an NYC Reconstructive Surgeon Nov 19th, 2015

Chemical Peels – Do You Need One? Chemical peels are a great way to reduce the effects of aging, as medical-grade chemicals are used to remove dead skin cells from the face to reveal fresh, young-looking skin. A chemical of varying strength is applied to the skin, allowed to set, and...

How Has Rhinoplasty Evolved over the Years? Nov 12th, 2015

History of Rhinoplasty Rhinoplasty has been performed for thousands of years, with descriptions of the procedure, which involved rudimentary shaping of flaps of the nose or applying grafts, found in ancient Egyptian medical texts from 3000 BC. In the 20th century, the advent of modern plastic surgery spurred on a number of...

What Permanent Lip Augmentation Options Are Available? Nov 6th, 2015

The human body is indeed beautiful in form and function. That being said, many people believe rightly that there is much that can be done to improve on nature. To this end, many people opt for cosmetic surgery to do just that . One of the hottest procedures in recent times is...

How ClearLift Can Treat Broken Capillaries Oct 23rd, 2015

Having clear and beautiful skin is definitely a blessing. No not only is it good for physical health, but having healthy and radiant skin can definitely improve anyone’s looks . It would be great if everyone could have clear and healthy skin at all times, but unfortunately there are many...

Am I A Good Candidate For Facial (Dermal) Fillers? Oct 9th, 2015

Dermal fillers are a popular method people of all ages use to eliminate wrinkles, enhance lips, fix minor nose deformities, or enhance a receding chin. These dermal fillers are also used to treat other signs of premature aging. In the past, it was primarily people in their 40s and older that...

Otoplasty: Everything You Should Know About Ear Pinning Surgery Sep 25th, 2015

Otoplasty, which is also occasionally referred to as “pinnaplasty,” is a surgical procedure that aims to reshape the ears. If a patient wishes to alter his ear’s shape or size, then he may be a suitable candidate for this form of corrective cosmetic surgery. This surgery is common in individuals who are...

Unexpected Ways Botox Can Be Used Medically Sep 12th, 2015

When most people think of Botox, the first thing that comes to mind is its ability to reduce wrinkles. The benefits of Botox can extend far beyond cosmetic uses, however. Here are some unexpected ways it is used medically. For Disorders with Muscle Spasm Symptoms The same principle that helps Botox...

Four Types of Facial Fractures Aug 29th, 2015

Facial fractures have many causes, and these can include car accidents, personal trauma, falls, or even sports related injuries. After such an incident, patients usually stay in the emergency room for an evaluation. Any life threatening issues are addressed initially and repair of the fracture is attempted after the individual...

What Everyone Should Know About The Moles On Their Bodies Aug 15th, 2015

Most people have at least a few brown spots on their skin. Most of these blemishes are totally benign. Some are freckles, some are moles and others may be skin tags or old age spots. Moles usually are small lumps, slightly elevated above the level of the skin and darker...

Am I A Good Candidate For A Cosmetic Fat Transfer? Jul 18th, 2015

Everyone’s wished at some point that they could take unwanted fat from one part of their body and use it to punch up another that needed a little help. With the miracle of modern medicine, you can now do just that with a cosmetic fat transfer. What is a fat...

How Reconstructive Surgery Can Remove Orbital Tumors Jul 4th, 2015

The human eye is without a doubt one of the most important sensory organs. It allows individuals to sense their world in ways like no other, and allows them to move through and explore their world in ways that would be impossible without them. When our eyes work properly, they...

Benefits of Repairing a Torn Earlobe Jun 20th, 2015

How an earlobe can tear: The earlobes are made of fatty tissue and skin and act as an appendage to the ear. Varying in size and shape, they are often used for personal expression through piercing or wearing clip-on jewelry. As such, they can be the site of trauma through...

Reconstructive Surgery Can Remove Your Scars and Keloids Jun 18th, 2015

Scars and keloids are something that numerous people have and live with every day. They are something that many people just accept that they have and deal with it. For others it just isn’t that easy. Some scars and keloids bother people on a daily basis and are something they wish would...

Reshape Your Nose with Rhinoplasty Jun 13th, 2015

You might have always dreamed of having a more attractive nose. Alternatively, you might be unhappy with the appearance of your nose after a surgery or accident. Regardless, you should know that rhinoplasties can be a great, life-changing option. A board-certified cosmetic surgeon can help you find a look that...

Improve Your Neck’s Appearance With a Neck Lift Procedure Jun 10th, 2015

If you are like many people, you might feel self-conscious or unhappy about the appearance of your neck. Luckily, you don’t have to suffer without doing anything about it. A neck lift can be a wonderful option, and our cosmetic surgeon and his team can help. This is what you...

Get Rid of Your Unwanted Moles With Our Cutting Edge Surgical Techniques Jun 7th, 2015

If you have a mole on your face or elsewhere on your body, you might have simply accepted it as a part of how you look. This doesn’t mean that you necessarily like your mole, however, and you might feel pretty self-conscious about it. One thing that you might not...

How We Treat Melanoma Effectively With Mohs Surgery May 25th, 2015

Of all the human cancers, skin cancer is the most common cancer. It accounts for over three million people being diagnosed with basal cell or squamous cell carcinomas and in need of treatment annually, according to the American Cancer Society. Further statistics from ACS show that this year approximately 73,000...

Timing For The Mid-Facelift Procedure May 15th, 2015

Time is not always friendly to the face, and as we age, gravity surely takes its toll. Fortunately, with today’s medical innovations and advancements, we can turn back the hands of time and reverse signs of aging in the face. Much of what causes individuals to look older than they...

What Are the Benefits of Liposuction? May 12th, 2015

Liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that involves the removal of fat deposits in the body through the use of suction. Fat is broken up and vacuumed out of the body through a tube known as a cannula. If you have reached your ideal body weight, but have pesky, trouble spots...

Why Should You Consider A Fat Transfer Procedure? May 5th, 2015

A fat transfer procedure removes excess fat, typically from one’s thighs, back or stomach and transfers it to another area of your body, to increase volume and fullness. Generally, patients use this procedure to sculpt one part of the body while filling out another; it kills two birds with one stone. It’s a safe and...

What Are The Benefits of Facial Implant Surgery? May 1st, 2015

Facial implants are sculpted pieces made of silicone and other materials that are placed in the cheeks, jaw or chin to enhance your facial contours. They can also be used to balance the cheekbones or chin with the rest of the face or to strengthen the jaw line. The following benefits can...

The Benefits of Eyelid Reconstructive Surgery Apr 25th, 2015

Entropion and ectropion eyelid reconstructive surgery involve the lower eyelids. For those who are dealing with entropian eyelids, the lower eyelid margins turn toward the eye. For those who are dealing with ectropion eyelids, the lower eyelid margins turn away from the eye. Both are considered an example of eyelid malposition. Who...

Look Younger, Feel Great With Our Browlift Cosmetic Procedures Apr 18th, 2015

Brow lifts, also known as forehead lifts, are a cosmetic procedure that’s designed to raise and reposition a sagging brow. This procedure adds a more youthful and attractive appearance to a patient’s forehead area. Brow lifts have been known to open the eyes, and relieve the weight of a patient’s...

How Frequently Do I Need Botox Treatments? Apr 12th, 2015

Botox is a simple, non-invasive cosmetic procedure to remove wrinkles. The Botox drug is injected into your face by a medical professional such as a cosmetic surgeon. The drug works by blocking nerve signals to muscles and reducing the muscle movements that cause wrinkles. The procedure causes only minor discomfort, takes...

What You Should Know About Botox Treatments Apr 5th, 2015

Botox is an anti-aging drug treatment used to remove facial wrinkles such as frown lines and crow’s feet. The drug is made from a neurotoxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium. The Botox treatment is injected into the face in very dilute concentrations. Botox works by blocking nerve signals to...

Treat Hyperhidrosis and Sweating With Botox Mar 25th, 2015

Unfortunately today, heavy sweating is a very real and embarrassing problem that many people all over the world deal with. This condition is often referred to as Hyperhidrosis. Since this is such a big issue for many individuals, treatment is crucial. One of the most effective ways to treat Hyperhidrosis...

How Blepharoplasty Refreshes and Renews Eyelids Mar 19th, 2015

Blepharoplasty, also referred to as eyelid surgery, is a form of plastic surgery that addresses sagging eyelids or excess skin around the eyelids. Both the bottom and upper eyelids can be corrected through blepharoplasty. The benefits of eyelid surgery Eyelid surgery has many benefits.  It can enhance your appearance, restoring a refreshed pair...

How Long Does a Botox Treatment Typically Last? Mar 8th, 2015

First time Botox users often wonder how long their procedure will last. This common cosmetic procedure will have varying results depending on the individual’s specific needs, lifestyle and body. Learn about typical timeframes as well as things that may shorten or lengthen your own Botox results. Typical Results Most cosmetic...

Tear Duct Repair Surgery Feb 23rd, 2015

Tear duct repair often requires reconstructive surgery. There are certain factors that are common in patients that require this procedure. Age and gender often effects who will need this treatment. Older women seem to be the group with the highest incidences of need for the restorative surgery. Those with chronic...

Find Relief from Scars and Keloids Feb 16th, 2015

Unfortunately, many times in life you may get cut, scraped, or skinned on any part of your body. As children, we are more accident prone, and can end up with scars that last a lifetime. Other scars that may affect us are ones that come from car accidents, burns, and...

What You Need to Know About Rhinoplasty Surgery Feb 9th, 2015

In today’s world, a person is expected to put their best-foot forward. This applies to outer appearance as well as self-confidence. Cosmetic surgery offers tools to complement and enhance an individual’s features. Cosmetic surgery has become popular among members of the main-stream American society over the last twenty-five years. One...

Regain Your Skin’s Elasticity With a Neck Lift Procedure Jan 11th, 2015

We all age, and as we age, our skin loses its elasticity. The skin around the neck and face will begin to show their age first. That, in turn, will cause sagging skin. This can make a person feel insecure about growing old. Neck lift surgery can firm up skin...

Conduct Regular Mole Checks Jan 10th, 2015

Regular mole checks and removal is strongly recommended by physicians for both early skin cancer detection and prevention for all individuals. Some individuals are at a greater risk for developing skin cancer than others including individuals who have a family history that includes skin cancer as well as those with...

How Mohs Surgery Can Treat Skin Cancer Effectively Jan 9th, 2015

Dr. Fredric Mohs, from the University of Wisconsin, developed the Mohs surgical technique in 1938. For decades, it has been used successfully to save healthy tissue. Mohs surgery has the best cure rates and lowest recurrence rates when fighting skin cancer. Skin cancer is a growing problem that affects five million...

Get Beyond the Myths of Liposuction Cosmetic Procedures Jan 7th, 2015

There are a number of misconceptions surrounding liposuction, including the myth that this is done to reduce the weight of an individual. Liposuction is actually a sculpting procedure that is often used in conjunction with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or breast reduction, and is used to remove...

What does lip augmentation offer? Jan 6th, 2015

Lip augmentation is one of the simplest ways to enhance the face, with typically short recovery times. Whether you want to enhance thin lips, wrinkling or just want a plumper look, a cosmetic plastic surgeon can provide pleasing results to your lips. Who is a candidate for lip augmentation? Lips...

Who Should Consider Facial Paralysis Surgery? Jan 4th, 2015

Facial paralysis surgery may be necessary for a patient suffering from a loss of function in an area or multiple areas of the face. In effect, it means certain nerves and muscles of the face are paralyzed. This usually results from accidents, trauma and other injuries. If uncorrected, a patient can begin to lose sensation...

How Facial Implants Can Enhance Your Physical Appearance Jan 3rd, 2015

Facial implants improve an individual’s physical appearance, but they also have a very positive effect on a patient’s self-esteem. People may choose to undergo facial surgery to create balance, harmony and symmetry to their appearance. A person may choose to have cheek implants to improve sunken or hollow cheeks, or they...

How Reconstructive Surgery Can Repair Your Facial Fractures Jan 2nd, 2015

Reconstructive surgery is performed on abnormal structures on the neck, face, and head. In most cases, these abnormalities are caused by disease, birth defects, infection, trauma, and injury. This type of procedure is typically performed to improve function. However, reconstructive surgery is also useful for improving the quality of life...

Rewind the Hands of Time With a Brow Lift Procedure Dec 30th, 2014

A brow lift, otherwise known as a forehead lift, can reverse the effects of time, aging and gravity. The lift offers a solution by tightening up soft tissues surrounding the forehead and restoring a contour to the patient’s forehead, eyelids and brows. A brow lift does exactly that, it lifts the brows...

Effective Treatment Options for Blepharospasm and Meige’s Syndrome Dec 28th, 2014

Blepharospasm is a condition due to involuntary blinking or spasm of the eyelids. The cause is unknown and not life threatening. However, an abnormal function of the basal ganglion is associated with this condition. Patients with blepharospasm have normal eyes, but may have visual problems due to eyelid closure. Some patients...

Correct Drooping Eyelids With Blepharoplasty Dec 28th, 2014

Blepharoplasty is a cosmetic procedure that focuses on correcting drooping eyelids, which can be caused by excess skin or fat that has deposited around the eyes. It is often performed as a cosmetic procedure, but it may also be needed to maintain vision. What is the goal of blepharoplasty? The goal is to...

Do You Suffer from Tear Duct Obstructions? Dec 27th, 2014

A healthy tear system is essential for maintaining proper vision. Tears not only help to remove debris from the eye, but they help to lubricate the surface of the eye. A proper tear film also assists light enter into the eye properly. An individual with an obstruction of the tear...

How to Treat Your Scars Dec 27th, 2014

Wounds that have healed, but have become puffy and discolored are scars. When these scars are located somewhere on the body that is easily visible some people might seek the help of a board-certified reconstructive surgeon. Scars and keloids – a reconstructive surgical solution for your needs It’s also possible for...

Is a Nose Job Right for You? Dec 26th, 2014

Commonly known as a “nose job,” the corrective cosmetic/reconstructive surgery of rhinoplasty is the act of adjusting the contours of your nose to better fit your ideal image. Anyone who is unhappy with the shape or size of their nose can consider this option. A nose job can offer facial...

A Neck Lift Surgery To Treat Loose Neck Fat Dec 26th, 2014

Some patients lose fat in their necks as they age, and others gain neck fat that simply hangs down in loose skin. If you are of the latter variety, there are options to help you restore your youthful appearance and your confidence. Why a neck lift is the recommended procedure: We don’t...

How to Get Rid of Facial Creases With a Mid-Face Lift Dec 26th, 2014

It may be time to for a mid-facelift when a person’s self-esteem is compromised due to deep creases, crow’s feet, and a sagging chin or jaw. Even if a person takes really good care of themselves by exercising and eating well, it may not be enough to stop excessive aging....

What to Do About Moles Found on Your Body Dec 24th, 2014

Not everyone has a mole as famous as some supermodels. In fact, most are unsightly, bothersome and potentially deadly. Whether you have skin tags that get irritated when they catch on clothes and jewelry, or an unsightly mole that shows signs of growth or changes in color or shape, having...

What are the Different Types of Facial Implants? Dec 21st, 2014

Facial implants have been one of the more popular cosmetic procedures performed by surgeons the past few years. The procedure consists of the board-certified plastic surgeon making a small incision in the face at the location of the implant. The surgeon then inserts the implant beneath the skin in the...

Reasons for Choosing a Facelift Dec 20th, 2014

For anyone who is looking for a significant change in their appearance, specifically to combat noticeable signs of aging such as sagging and loose skin, and not minor issue that can be addressed with non-surgical cosmetic procedures, a face lift offers many long term benefits. A facelift is performed to tighten up...

What You Should Know About A Brow Lift Dec 19th, 2014

A brow lift is a common cosmetic surgical procedure. The main purpose of a brow lift is to correct eyebrows that have begun to dip as a result of old age or fat. It is considered a cosmetic procedure but is sometimes crucial to restoring proper vision, depending on the extent...

Correct Entropion and Ectropion With Reconstructive Surgery Dec 19th, 2014

As people age, they may develop lower eyelid issues known as entropion and ectropion. These conditions cause the lower lid to turn either inward or outward. Over time, your vision can become impaired and you may suffer discomfort. If the eye discomfort is diagnosed as a result of entropion or...

Botox Injections Treatment and Schedule Dec 18th, 2014

Since the beginning of 2002, millions of Botox procedures have taken place. Because Botox is not permanent, you’ll need regular injections for maintenance in order to continue enjoying the benefits. Botox Treatment Schedule When you begin to notice muscle movements occurring around the treated area you’ll know it’s time for you to...

Treat Blepharospasm and Meige’s Syndrome with Botox Dec 17th, 2014

When you come to our office for blepharospasm treatment, you can improve the way you live your life. These treatments will help you get rid of the spasm in your eyelids, Meige’s Syndrome, and other issues related to your eyelids. When you visit a reconstructive plastic surgeon they can help you...

How Blepharoplasty Can Change Your Life Dec 16th, 2014

Blepharoplasty is a common cosmetic surgery of the eyelids that is used to remove excess skin, fat, or muscle from drooping upper and lower eyelids. Who would benefit from Blepharoplasty? The blepharoplasty surgery may be considered by patients who would like to improve the appearance of their eyes. As people age, excess fat...

How Can Tear Duct Repair Improve My Quality of Life? Oct 23rd, 2014

If you suffer from abnormally watery eyes, you may suffer from blocked tear ducts as this is one of the prominent symptoms. Blocked tear ducts can be caused by trauma, infection, allergies or many other conditions, and frequently causes watery eyes and other unpleasant symptoms. Tear duct repair is a reconstructive surgical...

Get Rid of the Facial Scars and Keloids You Never Wanted Oct 22nd, 2014

Facial scars can be painful, restrict your movement, and lower self-esteem. Scars come in two varieties: hypertrophic and keloid. A hypertrophic scar sits at or lower than the surface of the skin, stays within the scar area and can restrict movement or pull painfully at surrounding skin. On the other hand,...

Learn About Otoplasty Ear Pinning Surgery Oct 20th, 2014

An otoplasty can be a life changing surgery. Otoplasty, which is also referred to as an ear tuck or ear pinning, is a common surgical procedure with both cosmetic and reconstructive purposes. This surgery reshapes the outer ear to correct malformations or improve one’s physical appearance. Though otoplasty is most often performed...

Conquer the Signs of Aging With a Neck Lift Oct 18th, 2014

Men and women who are hoping to conquer early signs of aging without going for a full face lift may want to consider a cosmetic, neck lift. This surgical procedure will help eliminate loose skin and excess fat under the neck area which can be caused by age, sun damage, or significant...

Mid-Facelift to Address Sagging Around the Eyes and Mouth Oct 16th, 2014

Many people choose cosmetic surgery to help improve their appearance and feel better about themselves. There are different cosmetic procedures to address a variety of needs. In particular, a mid-facelift can improve the appearance of sagging in the area between the eyes and mouth. Benefits of a mid-facelift As a...

Effectively Remove Excess Fat With Liposuction Oct 13th, 2014

What is liposuction? Liposuction is considered one of the most common surgeries to perform and works to remove excess fat that can be difficult to burn with diet and exercise. Liposuction removes fat deposits in specific areas of the body, which include the thighs, abdomen, back, buttocks, hips, waist, neck, cheeks,...

Have Fuller Lips With A Lip Augmentation Procedure Oct 12th, 2014

Lip augmentation treatment Are your lips so thin that they seem to disappear when you smile? Are they appearing thinner or drooping as you age? Do you feel self-conscious about the way they look? If so, you may be a candidate for lip augmentation. For centuries, full lips were a symbol...

How Rhinoplasty Can Improve Your Life Oct 11th, 2014

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic corrective surgery of the nose performed by a cosmetic plastic surgeon. It is focused on reshaping the nose for aesthetic purposes but can also provide relief for patients with functional problems such as breathing through the nose. For anyone who has breathing issues due to a deviated septum or...

How to Treat Facial Paralysis With Surgery Oct 10th, 2014

The face is host to a network of nerves. Those nerves can suffer damage in a variety of ways, from birth defects, disease, or injury. The nerve damage in turn affects the muscles, potentially causing facial paralysis. That can lead to difficulties such as the inability to close one’s eyes, crooked...

A Facelift Offers a Long Lasting Anti-Aging Solution Oct 9th, 2014

Despite the increasing popularity of Botox, facelifts are still very much in demand. For those who desire a more long term solution or are not comfortable with injections, a facelift is still a common option many patients elect to undergo. A facelift is found to be a long lasting way to rejuvenate...

What to Know About Entropion and Ectropion Eyelid Reconstructive Surgery Oct 7th, 2014

Eyelid reconstructive surgery for entropion and ectropion is performed by a cosmetic plastic surgeon to correct maladies of the eyelid that can affect ocular function and cause discomfort. What is entropion? Entropion occurs when the eyelid rolls inward toward the eye. Advancing age and weakening of eyelid muscles are common reasons...

Enjoy a More Youthful Appearance with a Brow Lift Oct 6th, 2014

The purpose of brow lift cosmetic surgery A brow lift or a forehead lift is a very common cosmetic surgery that enhances the forehead skin as well as the upper eye lids and eyebrows in order to achieve a more youthful appearance. The brow lift is a relatively simple procedure that involves just...

Answers to Your Common Questions About Botox Injections Oct 3rd, 2014

If you are considering having Botox treatments, you may have a bunch of questions regarding the procedure and aftercare. Botox is a non-surgical procedure that is done to give portions of the face that are flat or drooping some filler to give a more youthful appearance and eliminate the appearance of wrinkles. Who is...

Surgical vs. Non-Surgical Treatments for Blepharospasm and Meige’s Syndrome Oct 2nd, 2014

What is blepharospasm? Blepharospasm is a neurological condition in which the eyelids are forced closed or in which the person suffers from rapid, involuntary blinking, or closure of the eyes. This can be the result of a number of different ailments including Tourrette’s syndrome, dry eyes, and tardive dyskinesia. Any involuntary twitching or...

Blepharoplasty for Puffy Skin & Wrinkles Around Your Eyes Oct 1st, 2014

You feel good and you look good … well, except perhaps for the puffy skin and deep wrinkles around the eyes. You have to admit that they make you look tired and older than you are. There is, however, something you can do about that. It’s called blepharoplasty, or eyelid...

What to Know About Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery Aug 27th, 2014

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is one of the most common procedures performed by cosmetic surgeons. Specifically, an incision is made in the upper eyelid crease to remove excess skin. The incision is made in such a way to prevent any scarring. Eyelids sometimes prevent people from having good vision as they can droop...

Identifying and Removing Moles Aug 21st, 2014

While moles on the body are sometimes totally harmless, there are often exceptions. These skin growths are established when melanocytes appear together in bunches. Melanocytes refer to pigmented skin cells. It isn’t uncommon for people to be born with moles. Some of them show up gradually in life. Mole situations...

Say Goodbye to Large Ears with Otoplasty Aug 19th, 2014

Otoplasty is a type of ear surgery in which flaws are corrected such as overly large ears, protruding ears, or defects from previous ear surgeries. This is a great procedure for anyone uncomfortable with the appearance of their ears. Otoplasty is not meant to correct hearing loss or any other...

The Benefits of the Fat Transfer Procedure Aug 2nd, 2014

What is the fat transfer procedure? Fat transfer is when the fat is removed from certain parts of the body through liposuction and is transferred to another part of the body. Fat can be transferred to areas like the arm, face, buttocks, and breasts. The two most popular areas for fat transfer...

How To Protect Your Family and Yourself From The Sun Jul 11th, 2014

Summer is here, school is out, and you and your kids can expect to be spending lots of time in the sun this season. But, wait a minute – are they wearing sunscreen? Although skin cancer is quite rare in children, an excess of exposure to sunlight in childhood is...

How Cosmetic Surgeons Can Repair Torn Earlobes Jul 2nd, 2014

Torn earlobes often arise from the weight or force of an earring being ripped through the lobe. The repair surgical procedure adjusts and corrects a torn earlobe that can result from a variety of causes. It is a relatively simple procedure that can be done in the office with local anesthesia. Torn Earlobe...

Common Reasons for a Nose Job: Function and Aesthetics Jun 14th, 2014

In the United States, statistics indicate that more than 11,000 people undergo rhinoplasty surgeries every month. In the last 10 years, the cosmetic procedure continually ranked among the top 10 surgeries performed. Rhinoplasty is the most commonly requested corrective surgery in clients aged 16 and above. Overall, 75% of patients...

Cheek Implants Can Offer Immediate and Long-Term Results Jun 11th, 2014

Benefits of the cheek implant procedure: Cheek implants can enhance a primary facial structure and add contouring to the face, effectively creating a youthful appearance. Some people with natural, smaller cheek bones may suffer from sagging and droopy eyes at a younger age due to their facial structure. Smaller cheek bones will...

The Surgical Solution to Facial Paralysis Jun 4th, 2014

Reconstructive surgery permits patients who struggle with facial paralysis to restore their facial functional abilities. What are the causes of facial paralysis? Facial paralysis can be caused by a variety of factors:  A child could be born with paralysis because of Moebius Syndrome or other genetic reasons.  Adults can develop partial or...

Show Off Your Jawline and Facial Features With a Neck Lift Jun 4th, 2014

A neck lift is a procedure that improves the shape and look of the neck by reducing the signs of aging, which includes jowls and fat under the chin and cheeks. It is often performed at the same time as a chin lift and a facelift for optimal results. While middle-aged...

Who is Qualified for Mohs Surgery? May 27th, 2014

Skin cancer is a prevalent disease in society today. This year alone, one million Americans will be treated for skin cancer; one in five people in the United States will develop skin cancer at some point in their lifetimes. Removing cancerous cells from the skin has, in the past, been...

Understanding Tear Duct Repair with Reconstructive Surgery May 18th, 2014

Individuals with an obstructed tear duct often turn to tear duct surgery. This may be due to aging, injury, medications, tumors or inflammatory conditions. Signs and symptoms may include:  watery eyes  a discharge from the eyes  swelling of the eyes  pain and/or infection as well as blurred vision. Through tear...

Advances in Liposuction Make This a Safer Procedure Than Ever Before Apr 21st, 2014

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that extracts fat from multiple sites on the human body. At times, it can be used in conjunction with the fat transfer procedure to enhance the volume and fullness with your own fat rather than synthetic materials. It is a safe procedure as only a limited amount...

Corticosteroid Injections to Treat Scars Mar 12th, 2014

Most injuries to the skin will result in scarring. Scarring is actually part of the healing process in which the body produces collagen to help regenerate the skin at the wound site. Unfortunately, scars can sometimes become a permanent fixture on the skin. Keloid scars are one particular form of scarring that...

The Various Benefits of Different Facial Fillers Feb 28th, 2014

As we age, time starts to show on our faces; that is an inescapable fact of life. At least it used to be. Nowadays, here in Manhattan and the rest of the world, people have access to non-surgical cosmetic treatments that can turn back the clock and return your face to its...

Why Compression Garments Are Key In Your Recovery From Lipo Feb 14th, 2014

Cosmetic plastic surgeons all agree compression garments are essential for your recovery following liposuction. Surgeons can’t stop talking about how important the garments are. The healing process is optimized with the use of these seemingly simple garments. From minimizing bruising and swelling to assisting the body in forging new connections with the...

Sculpt Your Body with a Fat Transfer Feb 13th, 2014

A fat transfer, typically performed by a cosmetic plastic surgeon, utilizes liposuction to remove unwanted fat from a portion of the body and then re-inject it into the area of the body the patient wants. This enables the patient to use his or her own fat, rather than synthetic materials, and have it inserted/injected...

Brow Lift vs. Blepharoplasty for Sagging Eyelids Feb 13th, 2014

It’s hard to feel our best when we don’t look our best. Unfortunately for some of us, sagging, puffy, and wrinkled eyes can cause us to look tired and worn out. While it is unfortunate we can’t turn back the hands of time there are still a few options you...

Men Are Now Embracing The Benefits of “Brotox” Botox Feb 6th, 2014

Although it’s well known and almost commonplace for women to receive Botox treatments in New York City, it’s becoming more popular for men to receive them as well. In a day and age where people generally are becoming more worried about fighting the effects of aging, men have also seen the potential...

The Most Popular Surgeries Based On Your Age Feb 6th, 2014

With more and more people seeking the advice and services of a cosmetic plastic surgeon in New York City, plastic surgery has become the one of the most common surgical procedures performed in the United States. Here’s a breakdown of the most popular plastic surgery procedures, based on the age...

Here’s What You Need to Know About Facial Implants Feb 5th, 2014

The benefits of facial implants If you have any concerns about the contours of your face, consider the effectiveness of facial implants. The procedure is ideal for someone who wants to fill sunken areas like the chin or cheeks. Patients also typically get implants as a result of dog bites, automobile...

Popular Cosmetic Procedures for Women 40 and Older Jan 30th, 2014

Women between the ages of 40-54 are more likely to consider plastic surgery. As fine lines and wrinkles start to emerge, women generally want to improve their appearance. Everyone wants to look youthful and fresh. For many, plastic surgery is a great way to turn back the clock and give...

Shed Troublesome Baby Weight with Liposuction Jan 29th, 2014

After giving birth and having a child it can be very difficult to shed the baby weight you’ve added over the past nine months. Most women can’t wait to lose the weight they’ve put on, but don’t have the time or energy to diet and exercise with a new baby...

Benefits of Blepharoplasty Surgery Jan 27th, 2014

Escape the effects of aging on the eyelids that can sag and droop with time. A solution to both correct the appearance of eyelids that have altered your appearance and also interfere with your line of vision is blepharoplasty surgery. Whether it is your upper eyelid that has created these issues or...

How Fat Injections Can Add Volume to Your Face Jan 24th, 2014

Fat transfer injections are a common procedure in New York City that take fat from the stomach or hip and transfer it to other parts of the body. Fat injections are used to enhance areas of the body or face and can also remove scars. The procedure is long-lasting and safe...

Good Reasons for Having a Facelift Jan 23rd, 2014

Common reasons for having a facelift As we age, the skin on our faces starts to loosen and wrinkle as a result, ultimately leading to a bony appearance. Creams and serums can only go so far with wrinkles. When it comes to loose, drooping excess skin, a facelift is the answer....

For the Best Look Consider Chin Implants with Rhinoplasty Jan 22nd, 2014

If you have decided you want to undergo rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, you can consider the possibility of facial implants at the same time to minimize recovery time and enhance your appearance in one go. Changing the shape of your nose will ultimately alter the appearance of your...

The Pros and Cons of a Facelift Jan 22nd, 2014

If you are considering a facelift for yourself, then you are on the verge of making a big decision. Take into consideration the pros and cons of this procedure while contemplating the idea. By weighing out your options, you’ll be in better position to make a decision that’s best for...

The Many Benefits of Dermal Fillers Jan 14th, 2014

With so many anti-aging skin care products and services on the market, one can find it confusing to find the treatment best suited for their needs. Dr. Robert Schwarcz offers different dermal fillers to his patients in New York. The following are a variety of facial fillers patient opt for to enhance their...

A Simple Procedure to Remove That Bothersome Mole Dec 18th, 2013

If you suffer from moles you know how bothersome they can be, especially in highly visible areas such as your face or neck. If you don’t like a mole on your body, whatever the reason may be, due to size, shape, or location, you can explore the option of having it...

The Difference Between a Keloid and Facial Scar Dec 18th, 2013

When it comes to facial scars and keloids, the thing that you have to keep in mind is that while you may be embarrassed or annoyed with your affliction today, there is a way to remove them. You do not have to live with your facial scar or keloid, and the...

The Benefits of Otoplasty Surgery Dec 5th, 2013

Otoplasty, also referred to as ear pinning surgery, is a cosmetic surgery that fits the needs of one whose ears appear to be disproportionate, whether it is the size or the level of one ear versus the other, large ears due to macrotia, protruding ears, or misshapen features of the ears....

Mole Removal is Simple Dec 2nd, 2013

If you notice a conspicuous mole anywhere on your body, it’s vital not to ignore it. While some moles are completely benign, some can indicate serious health concerns, notably cancer. Removal is the best way to remove the worry and fear from a mole turning cancerous later on even if it is...

Am I Qualified for Mohs Micrographic Surgery? Nov 28th, 2013

Mohs Micrographic Surgery is a treatment specifically designed for skin cancer patients. This is a highly beneficial option for skin cancer patients due to the minimum amount of skin that is removed and maximum efficiency that the surgery provides in eliminating skin cancer. In an effort to preserve as much...

How a Mid-Face Lift Can Give You A More Youthful Appearance Nov 19th, 2013

The lines on either side of the mouth are telltale signs of aging. Do you ever look in the mirror and gently pull back your face to view the more youthful looking “you”? A more youthful appearance can be achieved with a mid-face lift procedure.  What type of patients would...

Inspect and Remove Potentially Cancerous Moles Oct 26th, 2013

While you should be visiting your dermatologist every year, you should always self check your skin to note the early detection of skin cancer and take preventative measures. If you have any moles, you should observe any changes or increases in the size or shape and be aware that there is a process...

Give Yourself Lustful Curves with a Fat Transfer Oct 8th, 2013

Have you ever looked at your problem areas and wished to move the fat to a different part of your body? It seems like the perfect solution, no unnatural or even toxic substances in your body and the benefit of having the shape you want to your body. If you...

Treat Wrinkles Effectively With Botox Injections Sep 27th, 2013

Men and women looking for a more youthful appearance today have many cosmetic options available to them. However, there are many things they need to consider before choosing what option is best for them, including convenience, recovery time and the duration of its effectiveness. Botox treatment is a popular cosmetic...

Correct Loose, Sagging Eyelids with Blepharoplasty Sep 26th, 2013

One of the first signs of aging is usually evident in the eyes. Loose, sagging eyelids, extra fold on the upper eyelids, puffy fat deposits in the upper and lower eyelids, under eye bags, and fine wrinkles can all affect a person’s appearance but can be treated by eyelid blepharoplasty. Vision can...

Treat Wrinkles and Folds Around the Mouth and Nose with Juvederm Sep 9th, 2013

Men and women who hope to treat the signs of premature aging, primarily hoping to target and treat wrinkles and folds on the face can utilize Juvederm, a facial filler. If you seek something non-invasive and more natural, Juvederm may be an appropriate option for you. Men and women both...

Get Rid of Your Turkey Neck With a Neck Lift Aug 19th, 2013

Loose skin around the neck, also widely referred to as a turkey neck, is an age-related problem that can now be easily corrected with a neck lift in our New York City office. Cosmetic plastic surgeons remove excess skin and fat, creating a youthful appearance that can flaunt low necklines with pride....

Using Liposuction to Trim Down For Good Aug 1st, 2013

Liposuction is a cosmetic treatment that removes excess fat and helps sculpt the body. It’s best for people of normal or near normal body weight who deal with areas of stubborn fat. Treatment is commonly requested for the following areas:  neck/chin  breasts  upper arms  back  waist  hips  abdomen  thighs  buttocks  knees...

A Cosmetic Surgeon’s Perspective on Rhinoplasty Surgery Jul 24th, 2013

Learning about a nose job (rhinoplasty) Often referred to as nose reshaping or even as a nose job, rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the appearance and proportion of the nose for cosmetic purpose or to correct and improve breathing problems. A cosmetic plastic surgeon can perform this procedure to change the nose’s...

What to Know About the Mid-Face Lift Procedure Jul 21st, 2013

The mid-face lift, also known as a cheek lift, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is performed in patients who suffer from the effects of aging such as sagging cheeks or tired eyes. The mid-face lift surgery is appealing for those who would like an improved appearance, but are seeking a...

Eliminate Years of Aging with a Facelift Jul 17th, 2013

A full, or traditional, facelift is considered the only real option for those who want to significantly turn back the clock on visible signs of aging. A traditional facelift addresses the area from the forehead to the neck, which is where these signs become most apparent. An cosmetic surgeon will address...

How to Achieve Perfect Facial Symmetry with a Rhinoplasty Jul 11th, 2013

What is rhinoplasty? Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, has become a fairly popular procedure in recent years. The tools of rhinoplasty offer patients the ability to completely reshape the nose to their liking, providing an opportunity for improvement in the harmony and balance of one’s facial features. The...

How Brow Lifts Can Help You Look and Feel Young Again Jul 2nd, 2013

A brow lift combats the signs of aging Regardless of if you’re a man or a women, chances are that over time you may feel as though your face is beginning to droop. This is a part of the natural aging process, where wrinkles cause the eyes to appear tired...

Prevent Benign Moles from Turning Malignant Jun 24th, 2013

Moles are spots that are discolored and can be found on any part of the body. Everybody has the potential of experiencing a mole on their bodies, and there are many people who are more prone to moles than others. Suspicious moles are of particular concern. A suspicious mole could indicate a far more serious...

Want to Enhance and Define Your Lips? Lip Augmentation is the Answer May 26th, 2013

Lip augmentation is recommended for individuals who are not content with the appearance of their lips, especially if they are not plump or as full as you may like. With aging, the lips tend to lose their fullness over time. However, some people may have thin lips in general. Through a...

The Positive Results from Facial Paralysis Surgery May 4th, 2013

Causes of facial paralysis An individual can experience facial paralysis due to a number of causes. These include traumatic injury, cancers of the skin, head or neck, salivary gland cancers, infections, and a medical condition commonly known as Bell’s palsy. Facial paralysis can cause disfiguration of the face to such an...

You Can Look Younger – A Facelift Can Help Dec 16th, 2012

For many people, one of the most popular ways to look and feel younger is by getting a facelift, which should be done by a board-certified cosmetic plastic surgeon. A surgery that is popular with both men and women, it’s typically performed on patients over forty years of age who have sagging jowls,...

Treat Frown Lines With Botox Injections Dec 1st, 2012

Patients with fine lines may benefit from Botox injections Botox injections are one of the most popular cosmetic beauty treatments among patients today. Botox treats frown and smile lines and can also smooth wrinkles in order to promote a more youthful appearance. The effects of Botox are reached due to the product’s ability...

Enhance Your Appearance With Facial Implants Oct 11th, 2012

No two facial implant procedures are ever the same. If you are looking to regain some definition and volume to their cheeks, they may benefit from an implant. People who have a weak chin and/or jawline and want it to become more defined may also be interested. Also, those who...

Removing Skin Cancer Through Mohs Surgery Aug 18th, 2012

For people with skin cancer, the Mohs surgery will remove the cancerous part. It will take out the root so that it can’t grow back again. The surgery is completed under local anesthesia, and it maps out the tissue for additional cancer cells. A board certified skin cancer/Mohs surgeon is...

Solutions to Torn or Damaged Earlobes – Earlobe Repair Surgery Jun 13th, 2012

Earlobes are fragile, especially those that are pierced. Something as simple as an earring snagged on a sweater or a child yanking an earring can instantly rip your earlobe. Even without those scarring events, earlobe piercings may enlarge over time if a person has frequently used heavy earrings and will...

How To Reduce Facial Muscle Contractions Found With Meige’s Syndrome Jun 4th, 2012

Individuals dealing with blepharospasm or Meige’s syndrome require treatments from a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to reduce their constant winking or facial muscle contractions. To best determine the extent of treatment required to reduce such symptoms, consult with a specialist. What is blepharospasm and Meige’s syndrome? Blepharospasm is a condition of...

Are You a Good Candidate for a Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) Procedure? Apr 11th, 2012

Rhinoplasty, more commonly known as a “nose job,” is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure for correction and reconstruction of the nose, aesthetically enhancing it or resolving nasal trauma or any impediment. In the surgeries, a skilled cosmetic surgeon creates a nose that is facially proportionate and functional by separating the nasal...

Using Steroid Injections to Reduce Scars and Keloids Dec 28th, 2011

Obtaining treatment for unsightly scars and keloids due to injuries or as a result of surgery can have uneven results. No matter what the cause, scars can be disfiguring and in some cases, can even result in loss of function. Severity of scars and keloids depends on a number of...

Is The Fat Transfer Procedure Appropriate for You? Dec 22nd, 2011

Fat transfer is a cosmetic procedure often performed by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon in conjunction with liposuction. During the fat transfer, undesirable fat is removed from the patient’s thighs, hips and potentially other areas of the body. The next step entails transferring the suctioned fat to the area(s) of the body that...

Is Blepharoplasty Cosmetic Surgery The Right Fit For You? Sep 4th, 2011

Blepharoplasty is an eyelid surgery in which excessive amounts of skin, muscle or fat are removed from drooping upper or lower eyelids. It is a common treatment for ptosis, a medical condition resulting in low-hanging eyelids that obstruct vision. This surgery has gained popularity as a cosmetic option to improve crow’s...

How to Use Botox to Treat Hyperhidrosis & Excessive Sweating Jul 22nd, 2011

If a person sweats heavily even in cold, cool or mild temperatures, then hyperhidrosis could be the cause. The effects of hyperhidrosis are frequently seen in the armpits, on the foot soles and in the palms of hands, to mention a few specifics.  People who suffer from hyperhidrosis also often...

What To Know About Brow Lift Procedures Apr 11th, 2011

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a cosmetic surgery procedure offered to raise drooping eyebrows, which can obstruct a person’s vision. In addition, this procedure can also help reduce wrinkles and erase the lines which run across the forehead. Different surgical options have been developed over the years as...

Fighting A Sagging Neckline? Here’s How A Neck Lift Can Help Mar 4th, 2011

You take good care of yourself and anyone meeting you for the first time would be surprised to find out your true age. Recently, however, you’ve been noticing a telltale slackening in the neck area. Or perhaps you are just dissatisfied with the amount of soft tissue you have in...

Are You A Good Candidate for a Liposuction? Jan 6th, 2011

If you are concerned about excess fat deposits on your body, you may want to consider a liposuction procedure. With a liposuction procedure, fat is removed from under the skin using vacuum suction with a hollow, pen-like instrument in order to reshape the body. Liposuction can be done on most areas...