Understanding Socket Repair Surgery

Repairing An Orbital Fracture

An orbital fracture, or eye socket fracture, typically occurs as the result of trauma. Large orbital fractures can cause double vision. They can also cause a sunken eye appearance. Doctors typically repair the broken eye socket by placing a synthetic implant in the fractured area. The procedure is tailored and designed to meet the patient’s needs.

Orbital fracture surgery is designed for people who have had severe trauma that results in double vision. People who have a sunken eye appearance are also considered good candidates for this reconstructive surgery.

What Happens Before Surgery?

Your doctor will perform a comprehensive examination on your eyes. You may also be given anti-inflammatory medications and antibiotics in order to reduce swelling. Additionally, your reconstructive surgeon will discuss the surgical procedure in detail.

What To Expect On The Day Of Your Surgery

You will need to arrive at the clinic 30 to 60 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment. Once you check in, you will be prepared for surgery. Orbital fracture repair is typically performed under general anesthesia. You will not be able to drive after your procedure, so you should arrange for someone to pick you up after it is over.

It is normal to have some bruising and swelling after your procedure. The bruising and swelling may persist for several weeks. You may be prescribed eye drops and eye ointments. The recovery process can be painful. Fortunately, there is medication that can be used to reduce the pain.

Stitches are typically removed five to 10 days after your surgery. If you have self-absorbing stitches, then they absorb on their own. Do not wear any eye makeup or cosmetics until your doctor tells you it is safe to do so.

Recovery – What you should know

Your eye will change subtly over the next few months as it heals. Complications can occur during the recovery process. Your doctor can give you tips for minimizing your risk of complications. Your insurance provider may cover this procedure. Make sure you ask them in advance.

Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, FACS has extensive experience performing fracture repair surgery in Manhattan. Call us to schedule an appointment.

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