Lower Blepharoplasty

Robert M. Schwarcz, MD

Cosmetic Surgery & Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon located in Upper East Side, New York, NY & Rye, NY

There are a number of factors that contribute to tired looking eyes, including genetics, aging, diet, and the stresses of daily life.  If you are looking to refresh your appearance, one of the most effective options is a lower eyelid blepharoplasty. Having this procedure can dramatically improve your appearance and give you a fresh, rejuvenated appearance.


Blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical procedure in which Dr. Schwarcz addresses the effects of aging around the eyes. These procedures typically invlove the removal of excess skin and fat.  In some cases, it may be necessary to add fat around hollowed eyes resulting in a fuller contour and tighter appearance.


Eyelid surgery is safe, effective, and long-lasting. Dr. Schwarcz has many years of experience producing dramatic anti-aging results. 

Some of the many benefits of choosing eyelid surgery with Dr. Schwarcz include:

  • Lifted eyelids
  • A younger-looking, well rested appearance
  • Less eyelid drooping
  • Improved peripheral vision
  • Reduced bags under the eyes


To determine if you’re a good candidate for eyelid surgery, Dr. Schwarcz reviews your medical history, examines your eyelids, and discusses your desired outcome. If you have excess upper eyelid skin, puffy eyelids, droopy lids, or tired-looking eyes, eyelid surgery might be the solution for you. You must be at least 18 years old, have realistic expectations, and be in good physical and mental health.


Follow all pre-procedure instructions prior to undergoing eyelid surgery with Dr. Schwarcz. Stop taking certain medications if he recommends it, arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure, and avoid ingesting anything at least eight hours prior surgery if anesthesia is involved.


For the lower blepharoplasty, you are required to have anesthesia.  In most cases, this is light sedation, otherwise known as Twilight anesthesia. Dr. Schwarcz begins by marking the procedure area before taking you to the operating room. Once in the operating room, the anesthesiologist will administer the anesthesia.

In most cases, the lower blephaoplasty is performed internally, meaning there will be no visible scars on the outside of the skin.  The procedure involves removing or repositioning excess fat in the lower eyelid.  There are cases when not enough fat exisits in the lower eyelids, so Dr. Schwarcz will opt for a fat transfer procedure to be performed in combination with the lower blepharoplasty.  The additional fat is typically harvested from the abdomen and spun in a centrifuge to separate viable fat from other fluids and tissues.  The viable fat is pulled into a syringe and injected under the eyes in a way that leaves the area with a smooth contour.  

Some patients may have an excess of under eye skin that requires some of it to be removed.  This is known as a skin pinch blepharoplasty.  A small amount of skin is removed from the under eye area as close the the lash line as possible.  The resulting scar is minimal and will be hidden under the eyelashes.  

To further tighten the skin under the eye, Dr. Schwarcz typically recommends finishing the under eye area with a CO2 laser treatment.  The CO2 laser can dramatically address fine lines and wrinkles, as well as pigmentation issues.  Not every patient is a candidate to receive CO2 laser, in which case he may recommend other options such as a chemical peel or a series of Morpheus8 treatments.

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Follow all post-procedure instructions following eyelid surgery. Have someone drive you home, get plenty of rest, and take medications as directed by Dr. Schwarcz. Expect swelling, irritation, mild pain, dry eyes, or bruising for 2-3 weeks. 

If you have any sutures, they typically come out about a week after the procedure. Use cold compresses and lubricating ointments as needed. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from the sun. Patients are advised to take at least the first week off of work and in person obligations, but preferably two weeks. At two weeks, you are permitted two wear makeup to cover any bruising or pigmented incision lines. Do not engage in strenous activity for three weeks.

Dr. Schwarcz will follow up with you periodically over the first year.  One month after the procedure, any bruising and swelling should be resolved. Two to three months will give you a good idea of what the final result is.  Allow 6 months for complete healing.