Reasons for Getting a Brow Lift

As a person ages, their eyebrows often begin to sag, becoming flat and droopy. This creates a tired look, which can affect how a person sees themselves, as well as how other people interact with them. A brow lift is a simple cosmetic surgical procedure which works to correct this progressive condition, restoring confidence and self-esteem through a more youthful appearance.

Why Get a Brow Lift

Brow lifts help reduce visible signs of aging in the upper portion of the face. Where they are needed, they may stand alone, or they may be combined with other cosmetic procedures (such as a facelift) to rejuvenate more of an individual’s appearance at one time.

Brow lifts are popular due to their longevity. Depending upon aging factors, lifestyle, and sun exposure, the effects of a brow lift typically last for many years. Botox injections, one of the major alternatives to this cosmetic surgical procedure, have a much shorter lifespan by comparison.

Risk Factors

This is a relatively simple cosmetic procedure, which can be performed by an oculoplastic cosmetic surgeon. A patient who smokes will most likely be advised against having the surgery, as will an individual who is in overall poor

Types of Brow Lifts

The brow lift is a form of cosmetic enhancement, which takes different forms depending upon the needs of the patient.

 Endoscopic Forehead Lift: Five small incisions are made above the hairline, allowing the entire forehead and brow region to be lifted.

 Pretrichial Eyebrow Lift: This procedure involves the removal of a strip of skin along the area of incision. The eyebrows are lifted, and the hairline is pulled down, reducing the appearance of a high forehead.

 Direct Brow Lift: A section of tissue is removed adjacent to the eyebrows, raising the brow region without affecting the hairline. This procedure tightens the forehead without changing its overall dimensions.

Recovery Time

Most patients are able to resume light activity 3-5 days after a brow lift. Provided that one avoids strenuous or stressful activities, it is usually possible to return to work in a little more than a week (7-10 days).

Comparatively rigorous activity, such as an exercise regimen, should be abstained from for at least 2-3 weeks following the surgery. Activities requiring alertness and high reaction time, like driving, may need to be postponed for two weeks or more. Your surgeon can better advise you on the particulars, based upon the specifics of your procedure.

Side Effects

Common side effects include bruising and swelling along any incisions, as well as across the affected area. This swelling often worsens gradually, then subsides, over the first 3-4 days following the procedure.

Some patients experience bruising under the eyes as well. This should also fade after 3-4 days following the surgery.

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