Sculptra® Smooths Deep Wrinkles and Restores Facial Volume for Up to Two Years

Sculptra® Smooths Deep Wrinkles and Restores Facial Volume for Up to Two Years

As you age, your skin naturally produces less collagen, a protein that creates a smooth, supple texture. If you’ve noticed that your skin looks more shallow or wrinkled over time, reduced collagen is a major reason. 

Other factors that fuel skin aging include smoking and exposure to ultraviolet light from the sun or tanning beds. Regardless of the causes, Sculptra® provides a potent, nonsurgical option for achieving a more youthful complexion. 

At our offices in Scarsdale and the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, board-certified cosmetic surgeon Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, offers dermal fillers, including Sculptra® — the anti-aging filler — to bring you lasting results you’ll love.

In this blog, we explore how Sculptra works and what to expect during and after your treatment.

How Sculptra works

Sculptra is an FDA-approved filler that rejuvenates your face by adding volume and improving skin texture. In addition to providing instant fullness in shallows and smoothing deep wrinkles, like most facial fillers, Scultpra encourages collagen production thanks to the ingredient poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA). 

During your treatment, we inject Sculptra into the treatment areas to address a range of common complaints, such as:

Sculptra isn’t recommended in your lips or near your eyes.

Each treatment requires only a short in-office visit, and any discomfort tends to be minor and temporary.

Sculptra results and aftercare

You leave your Sculptra treatment session with visible benefits that increase over a few weeks. While each treatment plan is unique, an average of three injections over the course of 3-4 months is common. 

And those skin-smoothing and plumping results may last for as long as two years. You may desire touch-ups every one to two years after that.

For most people, Sculptra treatment requires no downtime afterward. You may notice some bruising or swelling, but this usually diminishes within a few days. You should avoid sunlight and tanning beds until any swelling or redness is gone.

To feel more comfortable or speed up your healing, you can gently apply a wrapped ice pack to the treatment area for a few minutes at a time within the first 24 hours. Massaging the treatment area for about five minutes several times a day for five days can help as well.

Working with a qualified and experienced professional is important for reducing your risk for complications, such as nodules under the skin that could affect up to 7%-9% of recipients. Sculptra is safe, and the chance of allergic reaction is minimal.

To learn more about long-lasting Sculptra facial rejuvenation or to get started with the dermal filler treatment you desire, call the office convenient to you to book a consultation with Dr. Schwarcz today. You can also request an appointment online.

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