What to Expect From Tear Duct Repair

What to Expect From Tear Duct Repair

Your tear ducts do more than let you cry. The tiny tunnels are part of a drainage system between your eyes and throat that make it possible for tears to keep your eyes clean and moist. If your ducts have become blocked, tear duct repair can bring a great deal of relief while improving your eye health.

Board-certified oculofacial plastic surgeon Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, with locations in Manhattan and in Scarsdale, New York, is pleased to offer tear duct repair. Here, we explain the procedure, including signs that you might benefit from the surgery and what to expect.

Are you a candidate for tear duct repair?

If you’re showing signs of a blocked tear duct, such as discharge from your eye, excessive tearing, or pain in the area, you may be a strong candidate for tear duct repair. 

Factors that can lead to a blocked tear duct include:

Once you have a blocked tear duct, you don’t want to delay treatment. The duct can become infected, leading to tenderness, more irritation, and more discharge. 

What to expect from tear duct repair

Tear duct repair surgery commonly entails dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), which creates a new drainage pathway. During this procedure, Dr. Schwarcz makes an incision between your nose and the affected eye or may go in endoscopically, creating an incision inside your nose.

Another, less common, tear duct repair surgery involves implanting a small glass tube that allows tears to drain directly from the eye to your nose. Dr. Schwarcz recommends your best option after a thorough exam.

Recovering from tear duct repair

For a few hours after your surgery, you might notice slight bleeding from your nose. The area surrounding the affected eye will likely appear bruised and swollen for a week or so. 

For up to two months following your tear duct repair, you’ll likely have a silicone tube in place to keep the passage from the tear duct to your nose open as you heal. While small, the tube might be a bit noticeable when you look in the mirror. Once Dr. Schwarcz removes the silicone tube, your eye should stop watering. 

To learn more about tear duct repair or get started with your desired treatment, call one of our offices to book an appointment with Dr. Schwarcz today. You can also request an appointment through this website using our online scheduling tool.

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