A Simple Procedure to Remove That Bothersome Mole

If you suffer from moles you know how bothersome they can be, especially in highly visible areas such as your face or neck. If you don’t like a mole on your body, whatever the reason may be, due to size, shape, or location, you can explore the option of having it removed by a professional cosmetic plastic surgeon.

What is a mole?

Moles occur when skins cells grow too close together in a cluster instead of spreading out over the skin. Many people who have moles were born with them, but they can also appear later in life. Regardless of when your moles show up, there are various ways to remove them.

Do your moles bother you?

Not everyone needs to have their moles removed, but moles that are extremely large or bothersome to the patient can be removed. Moles that itch or hurt may be removed, as well as any moles that have started to change, which could turn into malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer. It is critical to have malignant or potentially cancerous moles removed. To to prevent skin cancer from developing and determining whether a mole is cancerous, observe any changes to existing moles or look out for the development of new moles on your face and body.

Mole removal options

Moles can be removed surgically or with a laser. Moles removed surgically are cleaned, numbed with an anesthetic, and then cut off with a scalpel. Moles can be removed by scraping them just slightly below the skin, which can then be cauterized. Some moles are deeper and require excision and stitches. Moles removed by a laser will also be cleaned and numbed, but unlike a surgical removal, a laser will be used to remove the pigment. The area will become slightly dark red and possibly scab for a couple of weeks while your skin heals. Home care consists of keeping the sight clean and not picking at any scabs or stitches until the area heals properly. Many reconstructive surgeons offer both methods of mole removal for prospective patients.

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