The Difference Eyelid Ptosis Repair Can Make

The Difference Eyelid Ptosis Repair Can Make

When one or both of your eyelids droop, a condition known as ptosis, numerous bothersome symptoms can unfold. By partially or fully blocking your vision, sagging eyelids can interfere with your ability to go about your daily life, spurring frustration.

The area around your eyes might also feel tired and achy. And it’s easy to feel self-conscious about your appearance when your eyelids sag over your eyes. 

If you’re bothered by eyelid drooping, board-certified cosmetic surgeon Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, can help. At our offices in Scarsdale and the Upper East Side of Manhattan, New York, he offers eyelid ptosis repair to improve your vision and quality of life.

In this blog, we delve into eyelid ptosis, including the positive difference reparative surgery can make.

What causes eyelid ptosis 

This condition can stem from a range of causes, including genetic factors, injuries, the aging process, and disease. The most common causes include:

Illnesses and diseases that may contribute to developing eyelid ptosis include diabetes, Horner syndrome, myasthenia gravis, and stroke. Swelling from a stye or a tumor around your eye can also play a role.

How eyelid ptosis repair helps

If an underlying disease is fueling your eyelid ptosis, treatment for that condition should improve your symptoms. In most cases, however, disease isn’t involved with ptosis and surgical repair is the most effective treatment. Ptosis can affect anyone at any age, and because ptosis tends to worsen over time, it is wise to consider having the procedure sooner than later.

Eyelid ptosis repair involves tightening the muscles that open your eyes, allowing the eye to open wider. This can improve visual function as well as offer a more symmetrical appearance. Because of the nature of the procedure, there are no visible scars.. 

He also may detach the affected muscle, reattaching it further down to allow for broader eye opening. In all cases, eyelid ptosis aims to improve vision through better eyelid function or placement. You may have ptosis repair alone or along with blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift.

What to expect after eyelid ptosis repair

Dr. Schwarcz performs your ptosis surgery with sedation anesthesia. You may feel a little groggy for the rest of the day after your procedure, but that should wear off by the next day.

Dr. Schwarcz goes over your aftercare instructions, which include things like icing the area frequently and avoiding strenuous activity and heavy lifting for the first few weeks. Follow these directions carefully for the best outcome.

Some amount of swelling is normal following ptosis repair and full improvements may take 2-3 months to unfold. Dr. Schwarcz will follow up with you periodically to ensure the best possible recovery.

To learn more about what a difference eyelid ptosis repair can make or to get started with your desired treatment, call the office convenient to you to book a consultation with Dr. Schwarcz today. You can also request an appointment online.

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