Timing For The Mid-Facelift Procedure

Time is not always friendly to the face, and as we age, gravity surely takes its toll. Fortunately, with today’s medical innovations and advancements, we can turn back the hands of time and reverse signs of aging in the face. Much of what causes individuals to look older than they feel is drooping, sagging skin. Wrinkles don’t help either. A mid-face lift can be performed to literally lift the muscles and skin tissues so that droops and sags are gone and smooth, youthful looking skin is left.

Candidates for a mid-facelift

Patients with noticeable drooping and sagging skin are candidates for this procedure. In addition, any potential patients must be in otherwise good physical and mental health to undergo the mid-facelift.

There are many wonderful benefits to this cosmetic procedure. The first and most important benefit is the lessening of signs of aging. Unlike a regular face lift, the mid-facelift cuts deeper into the muscles and lifts them in a more natural way.

Many individuals get a mid-facelift in their 50s, 60s and beyond, but this procedure may be for those who are even in their 30s and 40s. It can be catered to the individual. If you opt for the procedure in your 30s and 40s, you will also benefit from a more natural aging process. Sometimes, when the procedure is done in later years, the changes are more noticeable to others, and this may not be a desired effect.

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