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The Mid-Face Lift and Cheek Augmentation

Age, gravity and sun damage can eventually cause fat deflation and facial descent. In the mid-face from the nasolabial folds to the lower eyelids, these issues are particularly noticeable. As a person grows older, the mid-face may deflate, flatten and fall, causing the face to prematurely age.

To reverse these signs of aging, a cosmetic surgeon can lift the mid-face. In comparison, the surgeon can perform a full face-lift as well.The surgeon may also give the patient malar implants or fat injections during a mid-face lift procedure to make the area more convex and increase the mid-face’s fat volume, creating a more youthful appearance.

As a board-certified oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Schwarcz specializes in reconstructive and cosmetic procedures with a focus on the eyes and face. Dr. Schwarcz often performs cheek augmentations, face lifts and mid-face lifts for his patients in NYC and Scarsdale.

Mid-Face Lift Techniques

The patient may be an excellent candidate for one or more mid-face lift techniques, including a transconjunctival mid-face lift, transtemporal mid-face lift and endoscopic subperiosteal mid-face lift. Several factors will determine the ideal surgical approach, such as the patient’s aesthetic goals, facial structure and facial surgery history.

Malar Augmentation

Malar, or cheek, augmentation involves the surgical insertion of implants that create a fuller mid-face. These implants are constructed from solid materials that are designed to be permanent. An implant’s size and shape depend on the area the surgeon augments. To insert malar implants, the surgeon makes hidden incisions in the mouth, on the lower eyelid and along the temple. Once the area heals, the patient will typically feel like the implants are a natural part of their cheekbones.

Mid-Face Lift and Malar Augmentation Benefits

Two signs of beauty and youth in the face are round contours and cheek projection. With a mid-face lift, the patient can obtain a three-dimensional projection and youthful contour to the mid-face. The surgeon can also give the patient fat injections with or without malar implants to enhance the patient’s facial volume, projection and contour.

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