Am I A Good Candidate for a Facial Implant?

Subtle implants are an excellent way to restore your facial symmetry and take years off of your appearance, but many patients are unsure of exactly how these procedures are carried out. If you are still on the line about cosmetic surgery, then read ahead for a look at just a few of the benefits of these popular treatments.

The Ideal Candidate for Facial Implant Surgery in NYC

Facial implants are both safe and effective, and that is why most patients who are in relatively good health will make great candidates for this procedure. That being said, it is important that you have realistic expectations. This surgery can’t change your key features, but it will enhance them. Patients who have had other surgeries carried out on their face will need to speak with their surgeon to see if they are still eligible.

Understanding Your Procedure

This surgery is either carried out under general anesthesia or with a local anesthetic and oral sedative. During your initial consultation, you and your surgeon will need to discuss which of these options will be ideal for your own situation.

Typically, the entire surgery lasts between one and two hours depending on the placement of the implants and how many are going to be used. The three most common locations for facial implants include the chin, jawline, and cheeks.

Once the implants have been put in place, the incisions will be sutured up and the patient will begin the recovery process. If incisions are made on the inside of the mouth, then special sutures that naturally dissolve can be used.

Your Recovery – What You Need to Know About Your Procedure

Your recovery will be determined by your personal habits and where the implants were placed, but most patients can head back to work within a week. We suggest that all patients plan on having someone drive them home and stay the night with them if they live alone.

Most bruising and swelling will be gone within a few days. During this time, you must stick to soft foods such as protein shakes and pudding. Your surgeon will give you instructions on when to ice the treatment site and how to use your medicated cream on the incision.

Patients are also given a full list of side effects that they should keep an eye out for. Anyone with abnormal swelling, discharge, or a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit should immediately contact their doctor.

Please feel free to call Dr. Robert M. Schwarcz, today to schedule your own facial implant consultation.

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