Treat Wrinkles and Folds Around the Mouth and Nose with Juvederm

Men and women who hope to treat the signs of premature aging, primarily hoping to target and treat wrinkles and folds on the face can utilize Juvederm, a facial filler. If you seek something non-invasive and more natural, Juvederm may be an appropriate option for you. Men and women both benefit from the benefits of Juvederm but should consult with their cosmetic plastic surgeon first to determine what their goals are.

The benefits of Juvederm

Juvederm works by injecting a hyaluronic acid gel beneath the skin. Juvederm, like other facial fillers, is used to treat wrinkles and fold lines around the mouth and nose as well as other problem areas. The result is a smooth, natural filling out of these wrinkles, as opposed to an actual facelift surgery. Because hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring element in the skin, the risks of infection or other side effects is very low. Juvederm is FDA approved and the results can last up to one year. A Juvederm provider can assess your individual skin care needs to determine if Juvederm is right for you.

What makes Juvederm different from other dermal fillers?

Although there are other dermal fillers on the market, Juvederm has gained popularity because it provides smooth, natural results. The procedure is done in an outpatient setting and although you may experience some swelling and irritation at the site, it is temporary and generally mild. This procedure is effective for both men and women and it is the first dermal filler that has been proven effective and is recommended for patients of color, without worry of hyper pigmentation or hypotrophic scarring.

Juvederm is widely available. While the product itself is the same regardless of where you go, the results depend on the skill of the cosmetic surgeon. Choosing someone who has experience with Juvederm ensures that you will be satisfied with the results.

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