Risks of Skin Cancer & Pre-Cancerous Lesions

Skin cancer is dangerous and presents real health issues for an individual diagnosed with one of the many forms of skin cancer or a pre-cancerous skin lesion that has not yet developed into cancer. Both must be treated and removed in a timely manner to eliminate any health risk. Many people can develop skin tumors from excessive sun exposure, lack of sun protection, and inadequate care of the skin. This is why such cancers must be detected and screened by a doctor.

Skin cancer can develop on the body as well as the face. When present on the face, the tumor can leave behind scars if left to grow very large. Various removal and surgery techniques exist to eliminate pre-cancerous lesions and skin cancer tumors. Mohs surgery is one surgical method of skin cancer treatment and removal which extracts each layer of tumors present in the skin. Curettage and electrodessication is another method used to treat basal cell and squamous cell cancers. This procedure can be performed by a general surgeon or dermatologist.

Dr. Schwarcz is a cosmetic plastic and reconstructive surgeon who routinely performs skin cancer surgery removal and treatments.

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