Show Off Your Jawline and Facial Features With a Neck Lift

A neck lift is a procedure that improves the shape and look of the neck by reducing the signs of aging, which includes jowls and fat under the chin and cheeks. It is often performed at the same time as a chin lift and a facelift for optimal results. While middle-aged women are most likely to want the procedure, it can be done for men as well.

What are the goals of a neck lift procedure:

The primary goal of a neck lift procedure is to tighten lax muscles and elevate them to a younger and more attractive position. Along with the lift, liposuction may be done along the line of the jaw to provide more definition. Another type of neck lift, called platysmaplasty, is a procedure that reduces the appearance of bands along the neck.

What to expect during the neck lift procedure:

During a neck lift, your cosmetic plastic surgeon will make very small incisions behind the ears or under the chin. The neck muscles are pulled tighter after being separated from the skin. Any extra skin is then removed by making more incisions around the ear area. The end result is a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Neck lifts are done under local anesthesia, with a sedative added to help the patient relax. In most cases, it is done as an outpatient surgery, which can last from one to three hours. The majority of patients get back to normal activities within seven to 14 days. More strenuous activities, such as exercise, can be resumed at the one-month mark.

To learn more about the neck lift procedure, contact our Manhattan office and schedule a consultation with our very own board certified cosmetic plastic surgeon, Dr. Schwarcz.

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